Page 252 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 252

CA Ravi Taori
         (CNO GA.220) Permanent Consolidation Adjustments
         Permanent consolidation adjustments are specific adjustments made during the initial or subsequent changes in
         shareholding of a consolidated entity. These include:
         (Shortcut: GM meets SP)
          Determination  of  Goodwill/Capital  Reserve:  Goodwill  or  capital  reserve  calculations  should  align  with
         relevant accounting standards. If goodwill arises in one subsidiary and capital reserve in another, and the parent
         opts to net these, the gross amounts should be disclosed in consolidated financial statement notes.
         Minority interest: The correct amount of equity attributed to minority or non-controlling interests should be
         Subsequent  Changes:  Auditors  should  verify  any  changes  in  permanent  consolidation  adjustments  due  to
         further share acquisitions or disposals Ltd., a tyre manufacturer, controls ABC Ltd. with a 70% stake. In FY 2021-
         22, this was reduced to 55%, leading to adjustments in the consolidated accounts. These adjustments are termed
         as permanent consolidation adjustments.
         Pre-acquisition  Reserves:  Auditors  should  focus  on  determining  pre-acquisition  reserves  of  components,
         considering  the  date  of  investment.  It's  essential  to  check  if  pre-acquisition  reserves  are  correctly  allocated
         between the parent and the subsidiary's minority interests.

         (CNO GA.240) Current Period Consolidation Adjustments:
         Current period consolidation adjustments focus  on the elimination of intra-group transactions and account
         1. Conversion: Conversion of a foreign component's financial statements to the GAAP of  the consolidated
         1A. GAAP Adjustment.
         2. Harmonising: adjustments related to harmonising the different accounting policies being followed by the
         parent and its components
         3. Different B/S Date: adjustments for the effects of significant transactions or other events that occur between
         the date of the components balance sheet and not already recognised in its financial statements and the date of
         the  auditor’s  report  on  the  group’s  consolidated  financial  statements  when  the  financial  statements  of  the
         component to be used for consolidation are not drawn upto the same balance sheet date as that of the parent
         4. Intra-group Transactions:
         (a) Intra-group interest, management fees, etc.
         (b) Unrealised intra-group profits on assets.
         (c) Deferred taxes on unrealised intercompany profits as per Ind AS 12.
         (d) Intra-group indebtedness.
         5.  Change  in  Minority  Interest:  Movement  in equity  for  minorities  interest/non-controlling  interest  since
         6. Subsequent Events: Adjustments for recognized subsequent events between balance sheet date and auditor’s
         report date.
         6A. Adjusting events: Provide evidence about conditions at the financial statement date.
         6B. Non-adjusting events: Provide evidence about conditions arising after the financial statement date.
         6C. Events not requiring adjustments might need disclosure:
         (i) Nature of the event.
         (ii) Estimate of its financial effect or a statement if an estimate cannot be made.

         (CNO GA.260) Memorandum Records:
         Adjustments for consolidated financial statements are maintained in memorandum records by the parent. The
         auditor should review these records for verification. Apart from reviewing the memorandum records, the auditor
         should undertake various verification steps.
         Harmonizing Accounting Policies:                                                                                                  13.8
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