Page 253 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 253

CA Ravi Taori
         Confirm that consolidated statements use uniform accounting policies for similar transactions/events. Check
         disclosures made in line with AS 21 for different accounting policies when impracticable to harmonize. Ensure
         adjustments are made for group member’s financial statements for conformity with group’s policies as per Ind
         AS 110. Validate adjustments made to harmonize different accounting policies, including those converting a
         component’s GAAP to the consolidated statements' GAAP.
         Intra Group Transactions: Ensure intra group transactions and balances are eliminated. Confirm adjustments
         related  to  deferred  tax  due  to  elimination  of  intergroup  transaction  profits  (for  Ind  AS  maintained  parent
         Minorities/Non-controlling Interest: Examine the calculation of minorities/non-controlling interest.
         Consolidated  P&L:  Ensure  subsidiary  income  and  expenses  are  included  in  consolidated  statements  from
         control acquisition date till control cessation date. Verify such incomes and expenses are based on asset and
         liability amounts recognized at acquisition date.

         (CNO GA.280) Other Points
         1A. Goodwill Impairment:
         One key current period adjustment is determining potential impairment loss for consolidation-arising goodwill.
         Goodwill from consolidation is valued at the acquisition date of the component and tested for impairment every
         balance sheet date.
         1B. Impairment Loss Examination:
         The auditor should check if the parent determined any impairment loss. If so, the auditor should review the
         impairment loss determination procedure. The auditor must ensure the impairment loss amount is fair. If the
         impairment loss in a component's goodwill is determined in foreign currency, the auditor should check if any
         loss in local currency needs adjustment from the currency translation reserve due to exchange rate fluctuations
         since the goodwill's initial consolidation date to the impairment loss determination date.
         2. Intragroup Losses:
         The  auditor  should  also  verify  if  intragroup  losses  indicate  a  required  impairment  loss  recognition  in  the
         consolidated  statements.  Beyond  verifying  calculations  and  disclosures  about  minorities/non-controlling
         interest, the auditor should ascertain if, when minority interests' share of losses surpasses their equity share, the
         excess and any subsequent losses for the minority interest are accounted for as per relevant accounting standards.
         3. Components' Reporting Date:
         The financial statements of the components used in consolidation should align with the parent's reporting date.
         If not feasible for some components, adjustments should account for significant events between those dates and
         the  parent's  statement  date.  The  difference  in  reporting  dates  shouldn't  exceed  six  months  for  financial
         statements under AS and three months under Ind AS.
         The  auditor  should  review  the  results  of  other  components  between  their  financial  reporting date  and  the
         parent's for significant events during the period that need reflection in the consolidated statements. Intervening
         events affecting financial position, operations, or cash flows should be recognized either through disclosure or
         other means.
         The fundamental accounting assumption of "consistency" mandates the auditor to ensure the reporting periods
         and financial year-ends remain consistent over time. If there are material changes in the reporting periods of
         components in the consolidated statements, the auditor should ensure disclosure of such changes and their

         (CNO GA.300) Don’t include all notes of Separate Financial Statements.
         Sch III: The information required pursuant to Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013 (‘general instructions
         for the preparation of consolidated financial statements’) should be disclosed, given as follows.
         In consolidated financial statements, specific details must be disclosed separately for the parent company and its
         various components, including foreign subsidiaries. These details include:

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