Page 267 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 267

CA Ravi Taori
            SLR reporting and the auditors should develop necessary audit procedures around this.

         (CNO-BA.320) Verification of Assets
         Before  beginning  verification  of  assets  and  balances,  the  auditor  should  obtain  an  accurate  schedule  of
         accounts in the prescribed format. The following are the steps involved in verification of assets and balances. -

         (CNO-BA.340) Cash, Bank Balances and Money at Call and Short Notice -
         Audit Procedures:

         Physical Verification: Conduct physical verification of all forms of cash (domestic, foreign, ATM, and cash
         deposit machines) near the balance sheet date.
         Balance Reconciliation: Ensure the physically verified cash balance matches with the cash register or CBS
         (Core Banking System) balance.
         Balance with Reserve Bank of India
         Ledger Verification: Confirm ledger balances in each account using bank confirmation certificates and year-
         end reconciliation statements.
         Reconciliation Review: Examine reconciliation statements, focusing on:
         • Responded cash transactions.
         • Revenue items needing adjustments/write-offs.
         • Unresponded credit and debit entries from RBI for over 15 days.
         Balance with Other Banks (Other than Reserve Bank of India)
         Reconciliation Review: Similar to RBI balances, scrutinize reconciliation statements with added focus on:
         • Outstanding debit charges or credit interests
         • Outstanding cheques in clearing.
         • Bills or outstation cheques sent for collection and pending credit
         • Large inter-bank transactions for window-dressing, especially near year-end.
         Foreign Balances: Verify balances with banks outside India using the same procedures and convert to Indian
         currency at the prevailing exchange rates on the balance sheet date.
         Money at Call and Short Notice
         Authorization Review: Examine the system for general or specific authorization for lending money at call or
         short  notice. Check  compliance  with  head  office guidelines,  including  lending  limits  in  the  inter-bank call
         money market.
         Loan Verification: Confirm call loans using borrowers' certificates and the bank's call loan receipts.
         Balance  Reconciliation:  Ensure  the  aggregate  balances  in  the  relevant  register  match  with  the  control
         accounts in the general ledger.
         Subsequent  Repayments:  Review repayments  received post-year-end  to verify  year-end balances. Note  that
         call loans made cannot be netted-off against call loans received.
         Interest Accrual: Verify that interest on year-end outstanding balances of call/short notice money has been
         accurately accrued and accounted for.

         (CNO-BA.360) Investments
         Audit approach:
         Review of Investment Policy
              •  Review the investment policy of the bank to ascertain that the policy conforms, in all material respects,
                to the RBI’s guidelines as well as to any statutory provisions applicable to the bank.
              •  It  should  clearly  outline  the  broad  investment  objectives  separately  for  the  investments  on  its  own
                account and investments on behalf of customers.
         Separation of Investment Functions                                                                                     14.11
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