Page 268 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 268

CA Ravi Taori
              •  Check  the  segregation  of  duties  within  the  bank  staff  in  terms  of  executing  trades,  settlement  and
                monitoring of such trades, and accounting of the same (generally termed as front office, middle office
                and back office functions’ segregation).
              •  Examine whether the bank is maintaining separate accounts for the investments made by it on their
                own  Investment  Account,  on  PMS  clients’  account,  and  on  behalf  of  other  constituents  (including
              •  As per the RBI guidelines, banks are required to get their investments under PMS separately audited by
                external auditors.
         Examination of Documents
              •  Ascertain whether the investments made by the bank are within its authority.
              •  Ensure that any other covenants or conditions which restrict, qualify or abridge the right of ownership
                and/or disposal of investments, have been complied with by the bank.
              •  The acquisition/disposal of investments should be verified with reference to the broker’s contract note,
                bill of costs, receipts and other similar evidence.
         Earnings from Investments
              •  Examine  whether  income  from  investments  is  properly  accounted  for.  This  aspect  assumes  special
                importance in cases where the bank has opted for receipt of income through the electronic/on line
              •  Verify that there is a proper system for recording and maintenance of TDS certificates received by the
              •  Examine whether the profit or loss on sale of investments has been computed properly.
         Physical Verification
              •  Verify the investment scrips physically at the close of business on the date of the balance sheet.
              •  Verify investments held with public debt office of RBI, custodians and depository with the statement of
                holdings  as  on  date  of  balance  sheet.  Independent  balance  confirmation  requests  can  be  made  in
                accordance  with  SA-505.  In  case  independent  confirmations  are  not  received  back,  alternative  audit
                procedures  like  getting  bank  personnel  to  download  investment  statement  from  E-Kuber  for
                government securities (E-Kuber is CBS platform of RBI) in auditor’s presence can be designed.
              •  In respect of BRs issued by other banks and on hand with the bank at the year-end, the auditor should
                examine confirmations of counterparty banks about such BRs. Where any BRs have been outstanding
                for an unduly extended period, the auditor should obtain written explanation from the management
                for the reasons thereof. The auditor should examine the reconciliation of BRs issued by the bank. BRs
                should  not  be  issued  in  respect  of  transactions  in  government  securities  for  which  SGL  facility  is
              •  If certain securities are held in the names of nominees, the auditor should examine whether there are
                proper transfer deeds signed by the holders and an undertaking from them that they hold the securities
                on behalf of the bank.
         Examination of Reconciliation
              •  Examine the reconciliation of the investment account, physically verify the securities on hand, obtain
                confirmations  from  counterparty  banks  for  BRs  issued  by  such  banks  and  on  hand,  obtain
                confirmation of SGL balances with the PDO, and examine the control and reconciliation of BRs issued
                by the bank.
         Examination of Valuation
              •  Examine whether the method of accounting followed by the bank in respect of investments, including
                their year-end valuation, is appropriate.
              •  Verify whether adequate disclosure of any change in method of valuation of investment is made.
              •  Examine whether the investments have been properly classified into the three categories at the time of
                acquisition based on such intention as evidenced by the decision of the competent authority such as
                Board of directors, ALCO or Investment Committee.                                                                                     14.12
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