Page 266 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 266

CA Ravi Taori
         errors or omissions or inconsistencies.
         Examine Consolidation on Test Basis
          •  Examine whether the consolidations prepared by the bank include the relevant information in respect of all
            the branches.
          •  Examine, on a test basis, the consolidations regarding DTL position prepared by the bank with reference to
            the related returns received from branches.
          •  The  auditor  at  the  central  level  should  apply  the  audit  procedures  listed  to  the  overall  consolidation
            prepared for the bank as a whole. Where such procedure is followed, the central auditor should adequately
            describe the same in the report.
         Exclusions:  While  examining  the  computation  of  DTL,  specifically  examine  that  the  following  items  have
         been excluded from liabilities-
         Shortcut: - RIL ka PM so excluded from liabilities
          •  Part  amounts  of  Recoveries  from  the  borrowers  in  respect  of  debts  considered  bad  and  doubtful  of
              (Recovery of Bad Debts is not a liability)
          •  Amounts received in Indian currency against import bills and held in sundry deposits pending receipts of
              final rates.
              (Such money is not in nature of returnable deposit)
          •  Un-adjusted deposits/balances lying in Link branches for agency business like dividend warrants, interest
              warrants, refund of application money, etc., in respect of shares/debentures to the extent of payment made
              by other branches but not adjusted by the link branches.
              (Link branch of bank deals with RBI and other Banks, if money is received by such branches but not yet used or
          •  Paid up capital, reserve, any credit balance in profit & loss account of bank, amount of loan taken from
              RBI and amount of refinance taken from EXIM bank, NHB, SIDBI and NABARD
          •  Margins held and kept in sundry deposits for funded facilities.
              (Money deposited in bank before giving loan)
         Shortcut: - New CBI order included many items.
         Similarly, specifically examine that the following items have been included in liabilities
          •  The reconciliation of Nostro accounts (with Nostro Mirror Accounts) needs to be scrutinized carefully to
              analyze and ascertain if any inwards remittances are received on behalf of the customers / constituents of
              the  bank  and  have  remained  unaccounted  and  /  or  any  other  debit  (inward)  entries  have  remained
              unaccounted and are pertaining to any liabilities for the bank.
          •  Net Credit balance in branch adjustment accounts including those relating to foreign branches
          •  Borrowings from abroad by banks in India needs to be considered as ‘liabilities to other’ and thus, needs to
              be considered at gross level unlike ‘liabilities towards banking system in India’, which are permitted to be
              netted off against ‘assets towards banking system in India’. Thus, the adverse balances in Nostro Mirror
              Account needs to be considered as ‘Liabilities to other’
          •  It  may  be  noted  that,  even  though  Interest  accrues  daily,  it  is  recorded  in  the  books  only  at  periodic
              intervals. Thus, examine whether such interest accrued but not accounted for in books is included in the
              computation of DTL.
         Valuation of Securities: The auditor should examine whether the valuation of securities done by the bank is
         in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the RBI.
           • Unaudited Branches: While reporting on compliance with SLR requirements, the auditor should specify
            the  number  of  unaudited  branches  and  state  that  he/she  has  relied  on  the  returns  received  from  the
            unaudited branches in forming an opinion
           • Automated Data Flow: Recently, there has been introduction of Automated Data Flow (ADF) for CRR &                                                                                     14.10
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