Page 322 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 322

CA Ravi Taori
          (CNO—IA.220) Audit Trail
          Definition  of  Audit  Trail:  Audit  Trail  (or  Edit  Log)  is  a  visible  trail  of  evidence  enabling  one  to  trace
          information  contained  in  statements  or  reports  back  to  the  original  input  source.  Audit  trails  are  a
          chronological record of the changes that have been made to the data.Any change to data including creating
          new data, updating or deleting data must be recorded.
          Audit Trail Records: Records maintained as audit trail may include the following information: when changes
          were made i.e., date and time (timestamp), who made the change i.e., User Id, and what data was changed i.e.,
          data/transaction reference; success/failure.
          Software level V/s Database Level: Audit trails may be enabled at the accounting software level depending on
          the  features  available  in  such  software  or  same  may  be  captured  directly  in  the  database  underlying  such
          accounting software.
          Specific Internal controls: In order to demonstrate that the audit trail feature was functional, operated and
          was not disabled, a company would have to design and implement specific internal controls (predominantly IT
          controls) which in turn, would be evaluated by the auditors, as appropriate.
          An  illustrative  list  of  internal  controls  which  may  be  required  to  be  implemented  and  operated  are  given
          below  -  Controls  to  ensure  that  the  audit  trail  feature  has  not  been  disabled  or  deactivated,  User  IDs  are
          assigned to each individual and not shared, changes to configurations are authorized, access to the audit trail is
          restricted, and periodic backups of the audit trails are taken and archived as per statutory requirements.

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