Page 321 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 321

CA Ravi Taori

          We have covered SA 610 in detail as per ICAI Module in Chapter 3 , we are covering here only additional
          concepts of SA 610 which are not covered in Chapter 3.

          (CNO—IA180) If the External Auditor uses Internal Auditors to Provide Direct Assistance on the Audit,
          the External Auditor shall include in the Audit Documentation
          If the External Auditor uses Internal Auditors to Provide Direct Assistance on the Audit, the External
          Auditor shall include in the Audit Documentation-
          Step 1 Related-
          Evaluation of Objectivity & Competence: The evaluation of the existence and significance of threats to the
          objectivity of the internal auditors, and the level of competence of the internal auditors used to provide direct
          Step 2 Related
          Area  of  Work:  The  basis  for  the  decision  regarding  the  nature  and  extent  of  the  work  performed  by  the
          internal auditors.
          Step 3 Related
          Written Agreements: The written agreements obtained from an authorized representative of the entity and
          the internal auditors.
          Working Papers: The working papers prepared by the internal auditors who provided direct assistance on the
          audit engagement.
          Review Details: Who reviewed the work performed and the date and extent of that review in accordance with
          SA 230 Audit Documentation.

          (CNO—IA.200) Internal Audit as A Management Function
          1A. Management Process: Management is a process by which the affairs of an enterprise are conducted in
          such a manner that its goals and objectives are attained through optimum utilisation of all available resources,
          within the legal, social, economic and environmental constraints.
          1B. Fundamental Functions: At the most fundamental level, management functioning is a set of five general
          functions: planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
          While the first five functions of planning, organizing, staffing and leading are critical attributes to create and
          grow stakeholder’s wealth, controlling is the critical function that is key to preserve stakeholder’s wealth.
          2. Revised Definition of Internal Audit: As per the revised definition of the term ‘Internal Audit’ as per para
          3 of the ICAI’s Framework Governing Internal Audits, “Internal audit provides independent assurance on the
          effectiveness  of  internal  controls  and  risk  management  processes  to  enhance  governance  and  achieve
          organisational objectives”.
          2A. Governance: Accordingly, Internal Auditor is expected to critically evaluate the management activities and
          advise them on the areas of improving internal controls.
          2B.  Risk  Management:  Manage  business  and  operational  risks  effectively  by  recommending  appropriate
          mitigating controls.
          2C. Internal Control: Internal Audit is an important element of management controlling function, it helps
          management  to  set  up  appropriate  systems  and  processes  in  place  to  mitigate  risk  while  remaining
          independent to the operations.
          Internal Auditor is expected to report on the identified gaps and areas of weak internal control, further he is
          expected to identify the root cause of the problems and suggest appropriate mitigating steps and strengthen the
          internal controls environment of the organization.
          Accordingly, Internal Audit is seen as an important function that helps management to achieve organization
          goals and perform its function in an orderly manner.

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