Page 338 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 338

CA Ravi Taori
         (iii)  Crediting  a  payment  from  one  customer  to  another's  account  and  then  withdrawing  the  miscredited

         Verification of balances in customers’ ledger:
         Focus on allowances related to goods returns or price differences, and amounts written off as bad debts. Cross-
         check  the  Order  Book  with  the  Sales  Day  Book.  Obtain  confirmation  from  customers  about  their  account
         balances. Those with zero balances should confirm their account statements to verify genuine entries.
         Inventory Frauds-
         Inventory frauds focus on the misappropriation of goods and their concealment.
         (i) Employees removing goods from premises.
         (ii) Theft concealed by marking items as damaged.
         (iii) Inventory records manipulated to match actual stock.
         (iv) Inflating issued quantities to embezzle raw materials.
         (v) Dispatched stocks not recorded in sales accounts.

         Verification Procedure for Defalcation of Inventory -
         Inventory  losses  can  result  from  employee  theft,  often  through  collusion.  To  detect  such  thefts,  review  the
         entire system of goods' receipts, storage, and dispatch to pinpoint system weaknesses. Successful identification
         of theft and the culprits requires:
         (a) An inventory control system with detailed movement records, or
         (b) Sufficient data to create such a record.

         Begin the investigation by comparing physical stock quantities with the Inventory Book. Understand the roles
         of individuals handling stock to identify any unsupervised single-handed control, which could suggest fraud.

         Verify the Inventory Book's entries against the Goods Inward and Outward Registers and related purchase and
         sale  documents.  This  can  highlight  discrepancies  in  stock  receipts  and  dispatches.  Further,  compare  entries
         about  returns  in  financial  books  with  the  Inventory  Book,  checking  its  totals.  Reconcile  observed  physical
         shortages with book discrepancies.

         In  industrial  contexts,  verify  raw  materials'  issues  and  manufactured  goods'  receipts  against  relevant
         documents. Sometimes, management commits fraud by diverting production, masking the deficit by inflating
         wastage.  To  detect  this,  the  investigator  should  collaborate  with  an  engineer,  considering  factors  like
         production wastage history and materials issued for production versus actual needs. The machinery's hourly
         capacity and production cycle time can also provide insights.

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