Page 342 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 342

CA Ravi Taori
                                              Forensic Accounting

         (CNO- FA.020) Important Definitions:
         Forensic: The word forensic comes from the Latin word forensic, meaning "of or before the forum." It is -
         Relating to, used in, or appropriate for courts of law or for public discussion or argumentation. Relating to the
         use of science or technology in the investigation and establishment of facts or evidence in a court of law.
         Forensic Accounting
         Forensic  Accounting:  The  integration  of  accounting,  auditing  and  investigative  skills  yields  the  specialty
         known as Forensic Accounting. It is the study and interpretation of accounting evidence. It is the application of
         accounting  methods  to  the  tracking  and  collection  of  forensic  evidence,  usually  for  investigation  and
         prosecution of criminal acts such as embezzlement or fraud.
         Book definition: Forensic Accounting by Hopwood, Leiner, and Young
         Book definition: Forensic Accounting by Hopwood, Leiner, and Young
         •  Forensic  accounting  is  the  application  of  investigative  and  analytical  skills  for  the  purpose  of  resolving
         financial issues in a manner that meets standards required by courts of law.
         • Forensic accountants apply special skills in accounting, auditing, finance, quantitative methods, certain areas
         of the law, research and investigative skills to collect, analyse and evaluate evidential matter and to interpret
         and communicate findings
         Red Flag
         Red Flag: Red flags are indicators or warning of any impending danger or inappropriate behaviour. Red flag
         does not necessarily indicate the existence of fraud however are indicators. that caution needs to be exercised
         while investigating the situations. Red flags are classified in categories such as financial performance red flag,
         accounting system red flags, operational red flags and behavioural red flags
         Example of Forensics
         Incident:  The  company  received  an  anonymous  letter  threatening  the  CEO  and  his  family,  demanding  a
         ransom to ensure their safety. The CEO reported this to the police.
         Forensic Analysis: The police  initiated  a  forensic analysis  of  the letter  and  envelope, examining the  paper,
         potential fingerprints, the writing implement used, and the handwriting style to identify the sender.
         Investigation: Alongside forensic analysis, the police investigated potential suspects, collecting handwriting
         samples to find a match with the letter and identify the most likely suspect.
         Example of Forensic Accounting
         Reconciliation: The Accounting Officer in a pharma company noticed a significant discrepancy during the
         monthly reconciliation of physical and book inventory, which considered purchases, sales, and wastages.
         Investigation:  To  find  the  cause  of  the  variance,  the  officer  reviewed  quantities  of  large  inventory  items,
         tracing receipts to production runs and checking wastage records, suspecting potential pilferage of expensive
         raw materials.
         Security  Involvement: Unable  to  find  a plausible  explanation  for  the discrepancy,  the  officer  involved the
         security head to further investigate the matter, focusing on the time of receipt of the missing items.
         Resolution:  The  security  team  reviewed  CCTV  footage  and  delivery  records,  identifying  instances  of  short
         delivery, thus unveiling a case of accounting fraud through forensic accounting techniques.

         How is a forensic accounting analysis different from an audit?
         Statutory Audit.
         Objective: To provide a true and fair picture through a general review of the books of account.To identify
         material misstatements in financial statements.
         Skills: Involving testing and checking, analysis, inquiry, and observation.

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