Page 347 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 347

CA Ravi Taori

                              Emerging Areas Sustainable Development Goals
                             (SDG) & Environment, Social & Governance (ESG)

          Case Study – CA Ajoy
          1. Definition
          Sustainable Development: Meeting present needs without compromising future generations' ability.
          Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Universal actions to end poverty, protect the planet, and enhance
          lives globally.

          2. Cultural Background
          Philosophical Roots: Indian ancient texts emphasizing earth as a nurturing entity.
          National Endeavour: India's commitment to global welfare and sustainable development.

          3. Corporate Role
          Private Sector Contribution: Corporates aiding in achieving SDGs through innovative solutions.
          Market for Innovation: The private sector represents a large market for innovative solutions to global issues.

          4. Reporting Frameworks
          Evolution: Development and adoption of sustainability reporting frameworks globally.
          ESG Disclosures: Mandatory disclosures in many countries focusing on environmental, social, and governance

          5. ESG Pillars
          Three Pillars: Environmental, social, and governance.
          Principles and KPIs: Companies required to disclose sustainability performance based on 9 principles and key
          performance indicators.

          6. BRSR Reports
          Mandatory  Reports:  Certain  listed  companies  must  prepare  and  disclose  Business  Responsibility  and
          Sustainability Reports (BRSR).
          Ethical Business: Disclosures include anti-bribery policies and mechanisms to handle corruption complaints.

          7. Conclusion
          Progress: Viewing the reporting framework as a significant advancement in promoting sustainable and ethical
          business practices.

          (CNO SDG.020) Sustainable Development defined in this report is as follows:
          Definition of Sustainable Development: Sustainable development is development that strives to meet the
          needs of developing countries while aiming for a more sustainable world. It addresses the needs of the present
          without compromising the ability of current and future generations to sustain their lifestyles.
          Application in Business: In the corporate world, sustainable development principles can be integrated into
          policies, guided by the three pillars of sustainability.

          Three Pillars of Sustainability (ESG):
          A. Environment (E): This pillar focuses on ecological balance and conservation.
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