Page 350 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 350

CA Ravi Taori
          impacts, addressing all stakeholders.
          Carbon  Disclosure  Project  (CDP):  CDP  captures  environmental  performance  data  related  to  emissions,
          water, forests, and supply chain, addressing investors, buyers, and stakeholders.
          International Integrated Reporting Framework (IIRC): IIRC has principles and elements for companies to
          produce integrated reports, covering overview, governance, business model, risks, strategy, and outlook.
          2015 Climate Disclosure Efforts: TCFD, founded in 2015, aids consistent climate disclosures, particularly for
          financial firms. CDSB promotes climate disclosures and offers a relevant framework.
          September  2020  Initiative:  Institutions  collaborated  in  September  2020  for  a  unified  corporate  reporting
          system, emphasizing guidance, integration with Financial GAAP, and stakeholder collaboration.
          IFRS Foundation 2021 Actions: In November 2021, IFRS Foundation revised its Constitution for the new
          ISSB,  addressing  ESG  reporting  needs  with  global  sustainability  standards  focus.      ISSB  adapted  to  IFRS
          Sustainability Disclosure Standards. The Value Reporting Foundation, birthed from a SASB and IIRC merger,
          collaborates on an Integrated Reporting Framework with IASB and ISSB.
          ISSB's 2022 Proposals and Standards: In March 2022, ISSB introduced climate and sustainability standards.
          IFRS S1 blends TCFD recommendations and SASB's industry-specific inputs.

          (CNO SDG.080) Integrated reporting
          There are 6 Cs of Integrated Reporting – also known as 6 capitals:
          i) Financial Capital:
          Available funds to the organization obtained through financing like debt, equity, or grants, or generated from
          operations or investments.
          ii) Manufactured Capital:
          Human-created equipment and tools used in the production of goods or services, including infrastructure like
          roads, ports, and water treatment plants.
          iii) Natural Capital:
          Inputs  to  production  and  services.  Impacted  by  an  organization’s  activities.  Includes  water,  land,  minerals,
          forests, and ecosystem health.
          iv) Human Capital:
          Skills,  experience,  alignment  with  the  organization’s  values,  understanding  of  strategy,  and  motivation  to
          innovate and improve.
          v) Social Capital:
          Institutions and relationships enhancing well-being. Includes common values, trust with stakeholders, and an
          organization’s social license to operate.
          vi) Intellectual Capital:
          Determines an organization’s competitive advantage linked to R&D, innovation, and external relationships.

          The  Asia  Pacific  region  leads  in sustainability  data  presentation  in annual  reports,  with  60%  of  companies
          reporting in 2022. Integrated reporting is prominent in the Middle East.

          (CNO SDG.100) Global Scenario in Various Countries
          United States
          - SEC Climate-Risk Disclosure & TCFD Recommendations:
            SEC's 2022 proposals enhance climate-risk disclosures for companies, based on TCFD guidelines.
          - Reporting Includes:
            Focus on climate risk management, financial impacts, risk mitigation, and related plans/goals.

          United Kingdom
          - Net Zero by 2050:                                                                                          18.4
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