Page 351 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
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CA Ravi Taori
            UK's goal: net zero GHG emissions by 2050.
          - Companies Act of 2006 & Expansion in 2022:
            ESG disclosures under Companies Act of 2006 expanded in 2022, aligning with TCFD for large firms.
          - Required Disclosures & Climate-Related Disclosures:
            UK  firms  to  detail  environment  impact,  employee  and  social  matters,  human  rights,  and  anti-corruption.
          Emphasis on climate risks, management, governance, and strategy.
          - Streamlined Reporting & Sustainability Disclosure Requirements 2023:
            UK companies report on energy/carbon. By 2023, UK adopts the SDRs framework for ESG reporting.

          (CNO SDG.120) Evolution Of ESG In India
          Voluntary Guidelines 2009
          The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) issued the Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines in
          December 2009 to steer corporates towards responsible conduct.
          Announced by the MCA in 2009, the goal was to integrate sustainability into business practices and decision-
          making. MCA's 2009 guidelines emphasized ethical functioning, workers' rights, human rights, environmental
          development, and social activities.
          NVGs 2011
          The  MCA  released  the  “National  Voluntary  Guidelines  on  Social,  Environmental,  and  Economic
          Responsibilities  of  Business,  2011”  (NVGs),  highlighting  the  integration  of  corporate  responsibilities  into
          business practices.
          The 2011 NVGs provided comprehensive principles for companies to adopt.
          SEBI BRR Mandate 2012
          SEBI mandated the top 100 listed companies to file a Business Responsibility Report (BRR) in line with ESG
          SEBI's LODR Regulations 2015
          BRR was incorporated into SEBI's 2015 regulations, with top 500 listed companies required to file BRR on
          ESG parameters.
          SEBI's Integrated Reporting 2017
          SEBI advised the top 500 listed companies to voluntarily adopt Integrated Reporting from 2017-18.
          NGRBC 2018
          MCA  revised  the  2011  NVGs,  formulating  the  National  Guidelines  on  Responsible  Business  Conduct
          (NGRBC) in 2018.
          SEBI's BRR Expansion 2019
          BRR became mandatory for the top 1,000 listed companies in 2019.
          BRSR 2021
          SEBI  introduced  the  Business  Responsibility  and  Sustainability  Report  (BRSR)  in  2021,  focusing  on  ESG
          parameters.  BRSR  requires  listed  entities  to  disclose  performance  against  the  National  Guidelines  on
          Responsible Business Conduct, with essential indicators being mandatory and leadership ones being voluntary.
          The aim is standardized ESG disclosures for comparability across entities.

          (CNO SDG.140) Initiatives By ICAI
          BRSR Objectives
          BRSR aims for standardized ESG disclosures to enhance comparability across companies, sectors, and time.
          SRSB & Its Mission
          In 2020, ICAI formed the Sustainability Reporting Standards Board (SRSB) to bolster awareness, encourage
          responsible business conduct, and develop guidance for Integrated Reporting.
          Integrated Reporting Recognition
          With SEBI's encouragement, ICAI introduced an award recognizing the practice of Integrated Reporting.
          Educational Initiatives                                                                                          18.5
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