Page 408 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 408

CA Ravi Taori

         Permission  for  Additional  Courses:  Without  the  prior  permission  of  the  Council,  obtained  through  an
         approved form, an articled clerk is not allowed to take any other course of study or training, whether academic
         or professional, or engage in any business or occupation during their service period.
         Stipend Payment: The stipend under this regulation is to be paid by the principal to the articled assistant.
         Cheque Payment: One method of payment is by a crossed account payee cheque every month, against a stamped
         receipt obtained from the articled assistant.
         Bank Deposit: Alternatively, the stipend can be deposited every month in an account opened by the articled
         assistant in their own name with a branch of the bank specified by the principal.
         Some Important Regulations Related To CA's
         CPE Hours Statement: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) regularly announces the required
         number  of  hours  for  continuing  professional  education  (CPE)  for  practicing  and  non-practicing  Chartered
         Accountants (CAs), taking into account factors such as age.
         Non-compliance Consequences: If these requirements are not met, ICAI can issue an advance notice and take
         action against members. This would also constitute professional misconduct under Schedule 2 Part 2 Clause 1.
         Coaching Restrictions: Members of the Institute engaged in coaching are advised not to undertake coaching
         activities between 9.30 AM and 5.30 PM.

         (CNO-PE.1680) CLAUSE 2
         A member of the Institute, whether in practice or not, shall be deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct,
         if he -
         Clause (2) being an employee of any company, firm or person, discloses confidential information acquired in
         the course of his employment except as and when required by any law for the time being in force or except as
         permitted by the employer.
         Professional Dignity: Maintaining the confidentiality of information is crucial for upholding the profession's
         status and dignity. Chartered Accountants must avoid disclosing confidential information to maintain public
         confidence in the profession.
         Law of agency: The situation is an application of the law of agency, a widely accepted principle.
         Cop  Holder:  Regardless  of  full-time,  part-time,  or  practice  along  with  employment,  a  member  guilty  of
         misconduct faces the same consequences.
         Confidentiality: As employees, members may access confidential information. This information should be used
         solely for performing their duties.

         (CNO-PE.1700) CLAUSE 3
         A member of the Institute, whether in practice or not, shall be deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct,
         if he -
         Clause (3) Includes in any information, statement, return or form to be submitted to the Institute, Council or
         any of its Committees, Director (Discipline), Board of Discipline. Disciplinary Committee, Quality Review Board
         or the Appellate Authority any particulars knowing them to be false.
         Rationale & Cases
         False Information: A Chartered Accountant knowingly included false information in a document submitted to
         the Institute Council. This action was deemed misconduct.
         Misrepresentation: In the case of J.R. Chatrath (1952), a Chartered Accountant, who was employed as a manager
         of a firm of Registered Accountants, falsely claimed to be a partner when applying for admission as a Fellow of
         the Institute. This was considered misconduct.

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