Page 411 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 411

CA Ravi Taori

         Firm Limit: In a firm of Chartered Accountants in practice, the “specified number of audit assignments” applies
         to each partner of the firm. That mean Firm Limit will be Number of Partners x 30. If a partner is also part of
         other Chartered Accountants firms, the total number of audit assignments across all firms related to that partner
         can't  exceed  the  “specified  number  of  audit  assignments”.  If  a  partner  accepts  audit  assignments  in  their
         individual capacity or through their proprietary firm, the total number of such assignments for all firms related
         to that Chartered Accountant and by him can't exceed the “specified number of audit assignments”.
         Exclusion:  In  a  firm  of  Chartered  Accountants  in  practice,  excluding  one-person  Companies  and  dormant
         Joint Audit: The number of audits of companies accepted by a Chartered Accountant or any partner of their
         firm, whether singly or in combination with another Chartered Accountant or firm, is taken into account when
         computing the “specified number of audit assignments”.
         HO & Branches / Multiple Branches: The audit of the head office and branch offices of a company by one
         Chartered Accountant or firm is regarded as one audit assignment. Similarly, the audit of one or more branches
         of the same company by one Chartered Accountant in practice or by a firm where he is a partner is considered
         as one audit assignment.
         Partner Count: The number of partners of a firm on the date of acceptance of an audit assignment is taken into
         Full Time or Part Time Employment: A Chartered Accountant in practice, whether in full-time or part-time
         employment  elsewhere,  is  not  counted  for  the  purpose  of  determining  the  “specified  number  of  audits  of
         Companies” by firms of Chartered Accountants. Similarly, a Chartered Accountant being a part-time practicing
         partner of a firm is not taken into account for the purpose of reckoning the audit assignments of the firm.
         Record Keeping: A Chartered Accountant in practice and firms of Chartered Accountants in practice must
         maintain a record of the audit assignments accepted by them or by any of the partners of the firm in their
         individual name or as a partner of any other firm, preferably in the prescribed format.
         Chapter IX: Appointment as Statutory auditor (Maximum Limit of Non Audit Fees)
         Maximum limit of OWAS: A member of the Institute in practice should not accept the appointment as statutory
         auditor  of  Public  Sector  Undertakings,  Government  Companies,  Listed  Companies,  and  other  Public
         Companies with a turnover of 50 crores or more in a year if they accept any other work, assignment, or service
         (OWAS) related to the same entities that exceeds the fee for the statutory audit.
         Regulatory Conditions: If appointing authorities or regulatory bodies specify more stringent conditions or
         restrictions, those will supersede the conditions or restrictions specified under these Guidelines.
         Inclusions & Exclusions of OWAS: This term includes Management Consultancy and all other professional
         services permitted by the Council under Section 2(2)(iv) of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949. It does not
         include audits under any other statute, certification work required to be done by the statutory auditors, or any
         representation before an authority.
         Combined OWAS Fees: The restrictions apply to fees for other work, services, or assignments payable to the
         statutory auditors and their associated concerns combined.
         Associate  Concern:  An  "associate  concern"  refers  to  any  corporate  body  or  partnership  firm  that  provides
         Management Consultancy and other professional services permitted by the Council. In such a concern, the
         proprietor and/or partner(s) of the statutory auditor firm and/or their "relative(s)" are directors or partners and
         hold a "substantial interest" either jointly or individually.
         Cunclusion: An associate concern or corporate body can undertake additional work, services, or assignments
         for the mentioned undertaking/company. However, the total remuneration for these additional tasks, including
         fees paid to the statutory auditor(s) and their associated concern(s) or corporate body(ies), should not exceed the
         total fee for conducting the statutory audit.
         Chapter X : Indebtedness Limit.
         A member of the Institute in practice or a partner of a firm in practice or a firm or a relative of such member or
         partner  shall  not  accept  appointment  as  auditor  of  a  concern  while  indebted  to  the concern  or  given  any                                                                                            19.55
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