Page 420 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 420

CA Ravi Taori

         E-Return Registration: Chartered Accountants in service can register for e-returns if it does not conflict with
         their employment obligations, but they cannot certify the return.
         Registration Authority: A Chartered Accountant in practice can serve as a Registration Authority (RA) to obtain
         digital signatures for their clients.
         Equity Derivative & Commodities Trading:
         Equity  Derivative Trading  -  Yes.  It  is permissible for  a  member  in practice  to transact  in derivatives  in his
         individual capacity (and not for clients or any other person).
         Commodities Trading - No. It is not permissible for members in practice to transact in commodity derivative
         Director Residency: The Ethical Standards Board noted that a Director, as per section 149(3) of the Companies
         Act, 2013, is required to reside in India for a minimum of 182 days in the previous calendar year. Such a director
         would be within the scope of Director Simplicitor (which is generally permitted as per ICAI norms), if he is a
         non-executive director, only required in the Board Meetings, and not paid any remuneration except for attending
         such Board Meetings.
         Second Schedule Part I Clause 4 Shortcut – (VJ  is playing Famous DISC BITS)
         Valuer of Unquoted Equity: The Ethical Standards Board decided in 2013 that a statutory auditor/tax auditor
         cannot be the valuer of unquoted equity shares of the same entity, as per the amended Rule 11U of Income Tax.
         However, if there is no specific restriction under any law, this is permissible, subject to compliance with the
         Code of Ethics relating to independence.
         Joint Venture Audit: A Chartered Accountant in practice who is a non-executive director in a company, or a
         firm where he is a partner, should not accept the appointment as a statutory auditor of a company that is a joint
         venture of the original company, as it could compromise independence.
         Family  Member  in  Management  Committee:  A  practicing  member  cannot  accept  the  appointment  of  a
         statutory  audit  in  a  society  where  an  immediate  family  member  (spouse  or  dependent)  holds  an  honorary
         position on one of the managing committees of institutes governed by the society.
         Director (Urban) Co-operative Banks: A practicing Chartered Accountant with a Certificate of Practice can
         serve on the 'Board of Management' in Primary (Urban) Co-operative Banks. This role is akin to a Director-
         Simplicitor, with no involvement in daily operations and only receiving sitting fees for services.
         Internal Audit of PF Trust: A CA Firm which has been appointed as the internal auditor of a PF Trust by a
         Government Company cannot be appointed as its Statutory Auditor.
         Share Acquisition by Internal Auditor: There is no prohibition for internal auditors of a company to acquire
         or purchase shares of the same company.
         Concurrent Auditor: A concurrent auditor of a bank 'X' cannot be appointed as a statutory auditor of bank 'Y',
         which is sponsored by 'X'.
         Bank Audit: A Chartered Accountant in practice cannot accept an audit assignment of a bank if he has taken a
         loan against a Fixed Deposit held by him in that bank.
         Internal Auditor of Company: A CA/CA Firm can act as the internal auditor of a company and as the statutory
         auditor of its employees' PF Fund under the new Companies Act (2013).
         Trust Audit: There is generally no conflict of interest for a Chartered Accountant who is a member of a trust to
         also serve as the trust's auditor. Exceptions exist if a specific statute governing the trust prohibits a trust member
         from being its auditor or if there is a conflict of interest as outlined in the Code of Ethics.
         Stock Audit: A chartered accountant who is the statutory auditor of a bank cannot accept stock audit/inspection
         Audit of the same branch of the bank or any of the branches of the same bank or sister concern of the bank, for
         the same financial year.
         Council General Guidelines 2008
         Auditor  Definition  for  Indebtedness:  The  term  "auditor"  does  not  include  internal  auditors,  concurrent
         auditors, or auditors giving reports to management as per Chapter X of the Council General Guidelines, 2008.
         The criteria and limits of indebtedness apply only to statutory audits.                                                                                            19.64
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