Page 68 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 68

CA Ravi Taori
          • Changes in accounting policies related to estimates
          • Regulatory or external changes that may impact estimates and
          • Any new conditions or events that may require new or revised estimates..
          3A.  Identification  of  Unrecognized  Estimates:  During  the  audit,  the  auditor  may  identify  transactions,
          events, and conditions that require accounting estimates that were not identified by management.
          3B. SA 315 and Unidentified Risks: SA 315 addresses situations where the auditor identifies risks of material
          misstatement  that  management  overlooked,  including  determining  if  there  is  a  significant  deficiency  in
          internal control regarding the entity's risk assessment processes.
          How management makes the accounting estimates: (Computation)
          (Shortcut: M ERU )

          Methods and Models: Management makes accounting estimates using specific methods and models.
          Method Changes: Any changes in methods from previous periods and the reasons behind those changes for
          making the accounting estimates.
          Expert Consultation: Management may consult with experts during the estimation process.
          Relevant Controls: There are relevant controls in place during the creation of accounting estimates.
          Underlying Assumptions: The assumptions underlying the accounting estimates are considered.
          Estimation  Uncertainty  Assessment:  Management  assesses  the  estimation  uncertainty  associated  with  the

          Review  of  Prior  Period  Estimates:  The  auditor  reviews  the  outcome  of  accounting  estimates  in  previous
          financial  statements,  or  any  subsequent  re-estimations,  considering  the  nature  of  the  estimates  and  the
          relevance of the information for identifying and assessing the risks of significant misstatements in the current
          financial statements. However, this review is not intended to question the judgments made in previous periods
          based on the information available at that time.

          Estimation Uncertainty: Accounting Estimates that give rise to Significant Risk
          Significant Risk in Estimate: For accounting estimates that give rise to significant risks, in addition to other
          substantive procedures performed to meet the requirements of SA 330, the auditor shall evaluate the following.
          (Shortcut: MARD)
          1.  Reasonableness  of  Assumptions:  The  auditor  determines  if  the  significant  assumptions  used  by
          management are reasonable.
          2.  Alternative  Assumptions:  The  auditor  assesses  whether  management  has  considered  alternative
          assumptions or outcomes and the reasons for rejecting them.
          3.  Management's  Intent  and  Ability:  The  auditor  considers  management's  intent  and  ability  to  carry  out
          specific courses of action, if relevant to the reasonableness of the assumptions used or the application of the
          financial reporting framework.

          4.Develop Range Estimates: If the auditor believes that management has not adequately addressed the effects
          of estimation uncertainty on the accounting estimates that pose significant risks, they may develop a range to
          assess the reasonableness of the accounting estimate, if necessary.
          Recognition and Measurement Criteria:
           For accounting Estimates that give rise to significant risks, the auditor shall obtain sufficient appropriate audit
          evidence whether the following are in accordance with the requirements of the applicable FRF
          Recognition Decision: The auditor assesses management's decisions to include or exclude certain accounting
          estimates in the financial statements.
          Measurement Basis: The auditor evaluates the measurement basis chosen for these estimates.

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