Page 72 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 72
CA Ravi Taori
Case Study-- CA. Y
Recurring Audit: Doing Audit for past 3 years, he is doing same risk assessment every year. He is doing things
Same As Last year (SAL Approach). He is thinking is it really useful? After attending seminar, he got following
Mandatory: Assessing audit risk is not only mandatory under Standards on Auditing but also enhances audit
effectiveness and quality.
Helps in Planning: Audit risk assessment helps in better audit planning by identifying areas prone to
misstatements due to errors or frauds.
Can change year over year: The risk assessment is not static and can change year over year due to factors such
as changes in laws, business model, industry developments, etc.
Business-Risks: Understanding the company's business risks and its strategies to deal with them influences the
audit risk. Evaluating these plans provides comfort regarding management's ability to handle such risks.
Controls: Evaluating a company's controls helps identify areas with deficient or non-existent controls, which
increases the risk of material misstatement.
RAP: Using risk assessment procedures like inquiries, inspection, and observation, auditors can understand areas
of risks of material misstatement, leading to a more effective and qualitative audit.
Significant Deficiencies: If significant deficiencies in the internal control system are identified, the auditor has
a responsibility to communicate these to the management. This not only prompts corrective actions but also
protects the auditor as they have taken pre-emptive steps.
Initial Portion of this Chapter covers concepts from SA 315
(CNO-MRI.020) Materiality & Risk Assessment
Materiality Uses: Applied during planning, performance of audit, evaluating misstatements' effects, and impacts
opinion formation in the auditor’s report.
Audit Risk Uses: Applied throughout audit. identifying/assessing risks, determining audit procedures, and
evaluating misstatement effects on financial statements and report.
Risk Assessment Process: Evaluates risk across business processes by considering the business and regulatory
environment, organizational structure and changes, and concerns of management and audit committee; aims to
determine areas of greatest risk.
(CNO-MRI.040) Audit Risk Components
Inherent Risk
1A. Definition: Susceptibility of an assertion to a misstatement that could be material, individually or when
aggregated with other misstatements, assuming that there are no related controls.
1B. Identified at two Levels: Inherent risk is identified at two levels - the financial statement level (overall risk
to the financial statements) and the assertion level (specific assertions within the financial statements).
1C. Example: Technological changes can render a product obsolete, raising the risk of inventory overstatement.
Additional Points 4.1