Page 70 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 70

CA Ravi Taori
          The auditor might deem the disclosure of estimation uncertainty to be insufficient, even when the disclosures
          align with the applicable financial reporting framework. This conclusion is particularly relevant when there's a
          substantial  risk  linked  to  an  accounting  estimate,  and  it  is  based  on  the  specific  circumstances  and  facts

          (CNO-SA540.220) Step 6: - Written Representations:
          The auditor shall obtain written representations from management and, where appropriate, those charged with
          governance whether they believe significant assumptions used in making accounting estimates are reasonable.
          Step 7:- Documentation of Accounting Estimates
          Reasonableness: The basis for the auditor's conclusions on the reasonableness of accounting estimates and the
          disclosure of significant risks.
          Bias: Indicators of potential management bias, if present.

                                                         SA 520

                                                ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES

        NOTE: We have covered content which is given in CA Final Audit  ICAI module. This SA is expected in detail in
        Inter and in Final there is limited coverage. We will issue pdf for Inter based SAs, see QR code given in Ch 20.

          (CNO-SA520.020) Analytical Procedures Prior To Audit as Well as Towards Finalization
          When Designing and Performing Substantive Analytical Procedures (Execution)
          Step  1  Suitability:  Assess  the  suitability  of  specific  substantive  analytical  procedures  for  certain  assertions,
          considering the risks of material misstatement and any tests of details for these assertions.
          Step 2 Reliability of Data: Evaluate the trustworthiness of the data used to form the auditor's expectations of
          recorded amounts or ratios. This involves considering the source, comparability, nature, and relevance of the
          information, as well as the controls over its preparation.
          Step 3 Develop an expectation: Develop an expectation of recorded amounts or ratios, and determine if this
          expectation  is  accurate  enough  to  identify  a  misstatement  that  could  materially  misstate  the  financial
          statements, either on its own or when combined with other misstatements.
          Step  4  Differences:  Establish  the  level  of  acceptable  differences  between  recorded  amounts  and  expected
          values that do not necessitate further investigation, as per the requirements.

          (CNO-SA520.040) Analytical Procedures That Assist When Forming an Overall Conclusion (Finalisation)
          1A. Mandatory: The auditor must design and perform analytical procedures towards the end of the audit.
          1B. Assistance in Overall Conclusion: These procedures assist the auditor in forming an overall conclusion
          on the consistency of the financial statements with their understanding of the entity.
          2A.  Verify  the  conclusions:  The  conclusions  drawn  from  these  procedures  verify  the  conclusions  reached
          during the audit of individual components or elements of the financial statements.
          2B. Risk Identification: The results of the analytical procedures may reveal previously unidentified risks of
          significant misstatements. In such cases, the auditor must reassess the risks of material misstatement and adjust
          their planned audit procedures accordingly.
          3.  Procedure  Similarity:  The  analytical  procedures  conducted  for  this  purpose  may  be  similar  to  risk
          assessment procedures. (Planning stage)

          (CNO-SA520.060) Investigating Results of Analytical Procedures
          1.  Inconsistencies  or  Significant  Deviations:  When  analytical  procedures  under  SA  520  identify
          inconsistencies or significant deviations from expected values, the auditor must investigate these differences.
          2A. Inquiry: The investigation involves inquiry of management and gathering relevant audit evidence related

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