Page 16 - Ch8_ EXEMPTION
P. 16

        (i) Legal Provision:-

           Ø Services by an artist by performing folk or classical art forms of music, dance or theatre are exempt
               from GST, if the consideration charged for such performance is not more than ₹ 1,50,000.
           Ø However, this exemption is not available to an artist performing as a brand ambassador.
          Discussion & Conclusion:-

           Ø In the given case, Ms. Mahima is the brand ambassador of 'Forever Beauty' soap manufactured by XYZ
               Pvt. Ltd.
           Ø Hence, services rendered by her by way of a classical dance performance in the concert organized by XYZ
               Pvt. Ltd. to promote its brand will not be eligible for exemption & thus, be liable to GST.

        (ii)  Even if the proceeds of concert is donated to a charitable organization, she will be liable to GST as this fact
             will not have any bearing on eligibility or otherwise to above-mentioned exemption.

           09. Exemptions relating to Banking & Financial Sector:-

        M/s. Apna Bank Limited, a Scheduled Commercial Bank has furnished the following details for the
        month of August, 20XX:- [CA Inter Exam May 19 New]

                                              Particulars                                          Rs. in Crore
                                                                                                 (Excluding GST)
         Extended Housing Loan to its customers                                                         100
         Processing fees collected from its customers on sanction of loan                               20
         Commission collected from its customers on bank guarantee                                      30
         Interest income on credit card issued by the bank                                              40

         Interest received on housing loan extended by the bank                                         25
         Minimum balance charges collected from current account andsaving account holder                01

        Computation of value of taxable supply of M/s. Apna Bank Limited for the month of August, 20XX:-
                 Particulars                Rs in Crore           Reason
         Extended Housing Loan to itscustomers  Nil   Exempt, since money does not constitute goods or services, extending
                                                      housing loan is not a supply

         Processing fees collected from its    20     Taxable, since interest does not include processing fee on sanction of
         customers on sanction of loan                the loan.
         Commission collected from its         30     Taxable, as any commission collected over & above interest on loan,
         customers on bank guarantee                  advance or deposit is not exempt.

         Interest income on credit card issued   40   Taxable, as interest income on extending loans is exempt but interest
         by the bank                                  income on credit card services is an exception to this exemption.
         Interest received on housing loan     Nil    Exempt, as services of extending loans where consideration is
         extended by the bank                         represented by way of interest are exempt.

         Minimum balance charges collected     01     Taxable, as any charges collected over & above interest on loan, advance
         from current account & saving account        or deposit is not exempt.
         Value of Taxable Supply               91

    124     CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800            V’Smart Academy
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