Page 11 - Ch8_ EXEMPTION
P. 11

Compute the value of taxable service of 'Seed Farmer Association' for the month of May, 20XX. Assume
        that the point of taxation in respect of all activities mentioned above falls in the month of May, 20XX

        Computation of value of taxable service of 'Seed Farmer Association' for the month of May, 20XX:-
         S.No.         Particulars                            ₹                   Remark

            1    Cultivation of ornamental flowers             -       It is exempt as Floricultureis agricultural
            2    Packing of tomato ketchup                 54,000     It is taxable as tomato ketchup is not agricultural

            3    Warehousing of potato chips &Biscuit     1,65,000    It is taxable as potato chips & Biscuit are not
                                                                      agricultural produce
                 Sale of tea & rice on commission basis  68,000       Tea & Rice are not agricultural produce & thus,
                 (tea `18000 & rice `50000)                           their sale on commission basis is not exempted.

                 Packaging of pulses in retailpacks        45,000     This activity is taxable as it is not necessary to
                                                                      make pulses marketable in primary market.

                 Training of farmers on use of scientific      -       These are Agricultural extension services & are
                 tools, Agro-machinery and use of new                 specifically exempted.
                 pesticides & fertilizers developed
                 through Scientific research
                 Leasing of vacant land to a stud farm    1,63,000    Rearing of all life-forms of animals except horses
                 (rearing of horses)                                  is exempt.
            8    Grading of wheat according to its            -      It does not alter essential characteristics of
                 quality                                             Wheat but makes it marketable for primary
                                                                     market & thus, exempt.

            9    Testing of samples from plants for           -      Agricultural operations directly related to
                 pest detection                                      production of anyagricultural produce including
                                                                     testing is exempt.

           10    Rearing of silk worms                        -      Rearing of all life-forms of animals except
                                                                     horses isexempt.
           11    Supply of farm labour                        -      It is specifically exempted.
           12    Renting of Agro-machinery                    -      It is specifically exempted.

           13    Processing of Tomato ketchup &           3,00,000 Such processing alters essential characteristics
                 Potato Chips                                        of tomato &Potato. They are not agricultural
                                                                     produce & thus, taxable
           14    Warehousing of minor forest produce          -      It is specifically exempted.
           15    Warehousing of seasonal vegetables,                 It is specifically exempted.
                 fruits, cereals & pulses
                 Value of Taxable Services                7,95,000

            CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800            V’Smart Academy         119
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