Page 27 - Ch8_ EXEMPTION
P. 27

8.  Services by way of slaughtering of Animals 20,000   It is taxable service & hence liable to GST
              Value of taxable services                 5,30,000

         Authors note:
         Services by way of slaughtering of Animals was exempt earlier but now it is taxable


        M/s P, a registered supplier of Rajasthan, has received the following amounts in respect of the activities
        undertaken by her during the month of April, 20XX:-
         S.No.                    Particulars                                                             Amount (₹)

           1.   Amount received for warehousing of jaggery                                                  50,000
           2.   Commission received as business facilitator for the services provided to the urban branch   20,000
                of a nationalized bank with respect to savings bank accounts
           3.   Amount received for services by way of labour contracts for repairing a single residential   10,000
                unit otherwise than as a part of residential complex

           4.   Amount received for acting as brand ambassador for corporate client                         75,000
           5.   Amount received for service provided to the Indian Olympic Association as team manager      80,000
                of national team.
        All the transactions stated above are Intra-State transactions and all amounts are exclusive of GST.

        You are required to compute gross value of taxable supply on which GST is to be paid by M/s P for the
        month of April, 20XX by giving necessary explanations for treatment of various items. [CA IPC Jan 21
        Exam] [CA Inter MTP Apr 23 (Similar)]

        Computation of value of taxable supply on which GST is to be paid by M/s P:-
         S.No.  Service provided                 ₹                          Explanation
           1.  Warehousing of jaggery         50,000 Services by way of storage or  warehousing of cereals, pulses,
                                                       fruits & vegetables are exempt, thus jaggery is not comes

                                                       under this category.
          2.   Commission received as           Nil    Services provided by a business facilitator to a banking company with
               business facilitator                    respect to accounts only inits rural area branch are exempt.
                                                       In this case, services are provided to urban branch of bank & thus,

                                                       taxable. However, tax is to be paidby recipient i.e. banking company,
                                                       under reverse charge. Hence, M/s P will not be liable to pay GST on
                                                       commission received for said services.
          3.   Amount received for services   10,000   Repairing of a residential unit is not eligible for exemption since pure

               by way of labour contracts              labour contracts ofconstruction, erection, commissioning, or installation
                                                       of original works of single residential unit otherwise than as a part of a
                                                       residential complex are exemptwhich do not cover repairing.
          4.   Acting as brand ambassador     75,000    It is liable to tax as it is not specifically exempt.

               for corporate client
          5.   Service provided to Indian       Nil     It is exempt, since services provided by a team manager to Indian
               Olympic Association as team              Olympic Association (i.e., a recognized sports body) are exempt.
               manager of national team.
               Total value of taxable supply 1,35,000

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