Page 28 - Ch8_ EXEMPTION
P. 28


        Determine taxable value of supply under GST law with respect to each of the following independent
        services provided by the registered persons:-
                                                                                                          Gross Amt
         Amount charged for loading, unloading, packing & warehousing of potato chips                       25,000

         Fees charged for yoga camp conducted by a charitable trust registered under section 12AA or        50,000
         12AB of Income Tax Act, 1961
         Amount charged by business correspondent for the services provided to the rural branch of a       1,00,000

         bank with respect to Savings Bank Accounts
         Amount charged by cord blood bank for preservation of stem cells                                  5,00,000
         Amount charged for service provided by commentator to a recognized sports body                    6,00,000
         Amount charged for service provided by way of right to admission to circus where consideration      12,000
         for the same is Rs. 750 per person.

        [CA Inter MTP Mar 19- Series I]
        Determination of taxable value of supply:-

                 Particulars                                ₹     Explanation

         Loading, unloading, packing & warehousing of    25,000   Taxable, potato chips is not an agricultural produce as it is
         potato chips                                             manufactured through processes which alter it's essential
                                                                  characteristic & hence, not exempt.
         Fees charged for yoga camp conducted by a          -     Exempt, services provided by an entity registered u/s
         charitable trust registered u/s 12AA or 12AB of          12AA or 12AB of Income-tax Act, 1961 by way of charitable
         the Income Tax Act, 1961                                 activities which includes advancement of yoga are exempt

                                                                  from GST.
         Services provided by business correspondent to           Exempt, as it is specifically exempted for accounts in
         rural branch of a bank for Savings Bank Accounts         ruralbranch of bank.
         Amount charged by cord blood bank for          5,00,000 Taxable, Services provided by cord blood banks by way
         preservation of stem cells                               of preservation of stem cells are taxable
         Amount charged for service provided by        6,00,000 Taxable, as services provided to a recognized sports body

         commentator to a recognized sports body                  only by an individual as a player, referee, umpire, coach or
                                                                  team manager for participation in a sporting eventorganized
                                                                  by a recognized sports body are exempt from GST.
         Amount charged right to admission to circus     12,000   Taxable, the consideration charged is more than Rs. 500

         where consideration is Rs. 750 per person.               per person & thus,the exemption is not available.
         Total Value of taxable Supply                 11,37,000

        Sungrow Pvt. Ltd. (a registered person), having the gross receipt of Rs. 50 lakh in the previous financial

        year, provides the following information relating to their services for the month of July, 20XX:-
        Sr.No.                    Particulars                                                             Amount (₹)
           1.    Running a boarding school                                                                  2,40,000

           2.   Fees from prospective employer for campus interview                                         1,70,000

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