Page 3 - Ch8_ EXEMPTION
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G                                          EXEMPTION
                                                           Chapter 8


                    S.N.   Description                                                 Pg.No. No. Illus.

                      1   General Questions on Exemption                                 112         1
                     2    Exemptions relating to Health Care                             112        2
                     3    Exemptions relating to charitable & religious Sector           114         3
                     4    Exemptions relating to Legal Service                           117         1

                     5    Exemption relating to Agriculture                              117        2
                     6    Exemptions relating to Passenger Transportation                120         3
                      7   Exemptions relating to Goods Transportation                    121        2
                      8   Exemptions relating to Entertainment:-                         123        2
                     9    Exemptions relating to Banking & Financial Sector              124         1

                     10   Exemptions relating to Education & Training                    125        2

                     11   Exemtions relating to Sports sector                            126         1
                     12   Exemptions relating to Government                              127         3
                     13   Exemptions relating to Construction Sector                     130         1
                     14   Combines Questions on Diffrent Exemptions                      130        9
                          Total No. of Illustrations                                                33

            S.No. Description                  Concept and Problem code                                  No. Illus.
              1    ICAI Material         08    Q. 07.13/08.15/14.24/14.26/                                  04
              2    Examination            08     Q. 02.02.01/03.05/05.07/08.14/09.16/10.17/                  07

              3    RTP & MTP             08    Q. 03.03/06.09/10.18/12.22/13.23/14.25/14.28/                09
              4    Other                 08    Q. 01.01/02.02/03.04/04.06/05.08/06.10/06.11/                 13

                   Total No. of Illust.                                                                      33

            CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800            V’Smart Academy         111
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