Page 5 - Ch8_ EXEMPTION
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establishment, all the service provided by it as well as all the services provided to it are exempt from
        payment of GST.

                            You are required to examine the situation & also compute value of taxable supply and GST
        liability [CGST & SGST or IGST] of Ayushman Medical Centre, if any, in the light of relevant GST
        Note:- All the services provided by Ayushman Medical Centre are intra-State supplies. Assume the

        rates of CGST, SGST and IGST to be 9%, 9% and 18% respectively.
        Ü The contention of Ayushman Medical Centre that since it is a clinical establishment, all the services
           provided to it are also exempt from GST is not correct in law.

        Ü Exemption is available to health care services provided by a clinical establishment and not to services
           provided to a clinical establishment. However, such services must be provided in any recognized system of
           medicines in India.
        Accordingly, Computation of Value of taxable supply and GST liability of Ayushman Medical Centre:-

         S. NO           Particulars                  ₹                              Remarks
           i)     Reiki healing treatment         10,00,000    Taxable as Reiki is not a recognized system of
           ii)   Plastic Surgeries                19,00,000    'Health care services' specifically excludes cosmetic or

                 (₹ 2000000-₹ 100000)                          plastic surgery except when undertaken to restore/
                                                               reconstruct anatomy/ functions of body affected due
                                                               to  congenital  defects,  developmental  abnormalities,
                                                               injury or trauma.

           iii)  Air  ambulance  services  to        Nil       Exempt as 'Health care services' specifically includes
                 transport critically ill patients             transportation  of    patient  to  and  from  a  clinical
                 from  distant  location  to                   establishment.
                 Ayushman Medical Centre

           iv)   Ayurveda medical treatments         Nil       Exempt  as  Ayurveda  is  a  recognized  system  of
           v)    Yoga medical treatments             Nil       Exempt as Yoga is a recognized system of medicine.
           vi)   T h e r a p y   s e r v i c e   b y   Nil     Therapy  provided  by  a  rehabilitation  professional

                 Rehabilitation professional to                recognised under Rehabilitation Council of India Act,
                 Mr.  Tushar  to  learn  how  to               1992 at medical establishments is exempt.
                 walk again after car accident.
           vii)  Services  provided  by  clinical   66,000     Taxable, Services provided by clinical establishment by

                 establishments  by  way  of                   w a y   o f   p r o v i d i n g   r o o m   o t h e r   t h a n
                 providing room                                ICU/CCU/ICCU/NICU having room charges exceeding
                                                               ₹ 5000 per day
                   Value of Taxable supply       29,66,000

                   CGST @9%                       2,66,940
                   SGST @9%                       2,66,940
        Ü Services provided by cord blood banks by way of preservation of stem cells or any other service in relation

           to such preservation are taxable from GST.

            CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800            V’Smart Academy         113
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