Page 8 - Ch8_ EXEMPTION
P. 8

        Anand Trust, Kolkata is registered under section 12AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961. It has provided

        following particulars relating to the activities carried out by it for the month of March, 20XX:-
                Particulars                                                                                Amount ₹
         Donation received against display of name of a city-based school inannual religious book          5,00,000
         published by the Trust

         Receipts from sale of food in Anand food court, located in the Trust premises                     2,00,000
         Refundable deposit of ₹ 2,00,000 and annual fees of ₹ 1,00,000 received from restaurants          3,00,000
         (located in West Bengal) using brand name and logo of Anand Food Court
         Donation received for Pooja organized in Trust premises on occasion of 'Shivratri'                 1,00,000

         Receipts from Skill Development Program for Senior Citizens (aged more than 65 years)             4,00,000
         residing in Kolkata
         Amount received for activities relating to preservation of Tigers in Sunderbans, West Bengal      3,00,000
         Letting out of precincts of a religious place owned by Trust in Kolkata (Rent ₹ 10,000 per day)   2,00,000

        From given information, you are required to calculate the value of taxable supply.                   [CA IPC Nov
        20 Exam]
        Computation of value of taxable supply of Anand Trust for the month of March, 20XX:-

                    Particulars                     ₹                  Reason

         Donation received for publishing the     5,00,000    Taxable, as it is a non-charitable activity, service

         name of a school in annual religious                 provided by Trust is not eligible for exemption & also,

         publication of Trust                                 publishing name of school is giving publicity/
                                                              advertisement to it.
         Receipts from sale of food in food       2,00,000    Taxable, as it is a non-charitable activity, service
         court in the premises of Trust                       provided by Trust is not eligible for exemption from

         Annual fees received from                1,00,000    Taxable,  as  it  is  a  non-charitable  activity,  service
         restaurants for use of brand name                    provided  by  Trust  is  not  eligible  for  exemption.
         and logo of food court                               However, deposit being refundable in nature cannot
                                                              be construed as consideration.

                                                              Note:  It  is  assumed  that  refundable  deposit  of  ₹
                                                              2,00,000  has  not  affected,  in  any  manner,  the
                                                              consideration charged for use of brand name and logo
                                                              of the food court.

         Donation received for pooja                 Nil      Exempt because services of conduct of a religious
         organized in Trust premises on                       ceremony are exempt from GST.
         occasion of 'Shivratri’
         Receipts from skill development          4,00,000 Taxable, as Skill development program conducted by

         program for senior citizens (aged                    Trust for persons over the age of 65 years is not a
         more than 65 years) residing in                      charitable activity since such persons are not
         Kolkata                                              residing in rural area, but in an urban area
                                                              (Kolkata). Thus, not eligible for exemption.

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