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was ` 60 lakhs. Happy Ltd. purchased additional machinery (Capital Goods) for     register within 30 days from 01.12.20XX (the date on which its supplies became
           manufacturing "Shine & Shine" on 1st April, 20XX. The invoice for supply of       taxable) as its turnover had already exceeded the threshold limit of ` 40 lakh on
           machinery  also  was  issued  on  1st  April,  20XX.  The  purchase  price  of  the   01.12.20XX.
           machinery was ` 25 lakh exclusive of CGST and SGST @ 12% (6% + 6%). On 1st     (ii) As per section 17 of the CGST Act, the input tax credit (ITC) on capital goods

           December,  20XX  exemption  available  on  the  product  "Shine  &  Shine"  was    used  or  intended  to  be  used  exclusively  for  effecting  exempt  supplies  is
           withdrawn by the Central Government and CGST and SGST @18% (9% + 9%)               disallowed.
           was imposed thereon. The turnover of Happy Ltd. on 30th September, 20XX was                   However, where an exempt supply by a registered person  becomes a
           ` 45 lakh.                                                                         taxable supply, such person gets entitled to take proportionate ITC on such

           Examine the issue and provide the answers (with supporting explanatory note for    capital goods in terms of section 18(1)(d) of CGST Act, 2017. Thus, a non-
           each answer) to the following:                                                     registered person cannot take ITC on capital goods under this provision.
           (i) Does Happy Ltd. have to register under CGST Act, 2017?                                    Further, a person who has applied for registration within thirty days
           (ii) Can Happy Ltd. take Credit of tax paid on the machinery purchased? If yes,    from the date on which he becomes liable to registration and has been granted  Ch10
               what is the amount of Input Tax Credi t (ITC) that can be availed? (CA Final   such registration is also not entitled to take ITC on capital goods held with him
               Exam Nov 18 New)(CA Final RTP Nov 19)                                          on the day immediately preceding the date from which he becomes liable to pay

           Answer:-                                                                           tax in terms of section 18(1)(a) of CGST Act, 2017.
           (I) As per section 22 of the CGST Act, 2017, a supplier is liable to be registered under         In the given case, Happy Ltd. is not registered at the time when its  Registration
               GST in the State/ UT from where he makes the taxable supply if his aggregate   exempt supply becomes taxable. Thus, the company cannot take proportionate
               turnover in a financial year(FY) exceeds ` 20 lakh in such State/UT (` 10 lakh in a   ITC on capital goods as mentioned above. Further, the company will also not be
               Some Special Category State Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura).           entitled for credit on capital goods held with it when it applies for registration in

                         Provided that, any person, who is engaged in exclusive supply of goods   the prescribed manner.
              and whose aggregate turnover in the financial year does not exceed 40 lakh rupees
              are exempt from registration. Subject to certain conditions given for being eligible   CCP
              to the higher threshold limit.                                              Decide with reason whether the registration is required under CGST Act, 2017 in
              The term ‘aggregate turnover’ includes exempt turnover also.                the following independent cases:
                         However, a person exclusively engaged in making exempt supplies is  (I) A casual taxable person (CTP) has provided inter-State supply of notified

              not liable to registration in terms of section 23(1) of CGST Act, 2017.          products being textiles hand printing amounting to ` 19.25 lakh during the
                         In  view  of  combined  reading  of  above  provisions,  although  the   month of January, 20XX. Those products were made by craftsmen by both
              ‘aggregate turnover’ of Happy Ltd. exceeds the applicable threshold limit of ` 40   hand and machines equally. CTP had obtained PAN and generated e-way
              lakh on 30.09.20XX [` 45 lakh], it was not required to be registered till 30.11.20XX   bill for supply.
              as it supplied only exempted goods till that day. Therefore, Happy Ltd. needs to  (ii) Mr. Bantu of Delhi doing trading business across India and his intra-State

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy          245
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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