Page 19 - Chapter 10 Registration
P. 19

Computation of Aggregate turnover of Mr. Bajaj                                   CCP
            SI.No.  Particulars                                           Amount (`)
                                                                                           Mahadev Enterprises, a sole proprietorship firm, opened a shopping complex
           1       Intra-state taxable supply within Maharashtra          35,00,000
                                                                                           dealing  in  supply  of  goods  at  multiple  locations,  i.e.  in  Himachal  Pradesh,
           2       Intra-state exempt supply within Maharashtra            2,00,000
                                                                                           Uttarakhand and Tripura in the month of June.
                   Aggregate turnover                                     37,00,000
                                                                                           It has furnished the following details relating to the sale made at such multiple
             Since the aggregate turnover does not exceed the limit as stated in above provisions  locations for the month of June:-
             (i.e. ₹ 40 lakhs), he is not required to take registration in the state of Maharashtra   Particulars                          Himachal Uttarakhand Tripura
             as per N/N 10/2019.                                                                                                           Pradesh
                                                                                                                                              (`)       (`)        (`)
           ii) If Mr. Bajaj also engaged in making inter-state supply, then he cannot avail the
                                                                                            Intra- State supply of taxable goods           22,50,000    -       7,00,000
             threshold limit of ₹ 40 lakhs for registration as the benefit is not available to
                                                                                           Intra-State supply  of exempted goods                                6,00,000
             persons making inter-state supply since they are required to take compulsory
                                                                                           Intra-State supply of non-taxable goods            -      21,00,000  40,000
             registration under section 24 of the said Act. Thus, Mr. Bajaj is required to take
             registration under GST                                                       *Amount excluding GST
           iii) The proviso to section 22(1) is applicable to person exclusively engaged in supply   With  the  help  of  the  above  mentioned  information,  answer  the  following
             of goods. Mr. Bajaj is engaged in supply of goods as well as services. Hence the   questions giving reasons:-

             threshold limit for registration is ₹ 20 lakhs and not ₹ 40 lakhs in FY 2019-20 for   (1) Determine whether Mahadev Enterprises is liable to be registered under GST  Registration
             Mr. Bajaj and thus he has to get registration  as his aggregate turnover exceeds ₹   law and what is the threshold limit of taking registration in this case.
             20 lakhs in FY 2019-20.                                                      (2) Explain with reasons whether your answer in (1) will change in the following
           iv) If Mr. Bajaj makes intra-state supply of goods from the states of Telangana then   independent cases:
             he shall have to apply for registration when the threshold crosses the limit of ₹ 20   (a) If Mahadev Enterprises is dealing in taxable supply of goods only from

             lakhs as the benefit of ` 40 lakh is not available to the state Telangana .           Himachal Pradesh;
           v) The threshold limit of ₹ 40 lakhs is available to person engaged in exclusive supply   (b) If Mahadev Enterprises is dealing in taxable supply of goods and services
             of goods. However, in case of composite supply of goods, if ancillary services are   only from Himachal Pradesh;
             provided for making taxable supply of goods then the threshold limit of ₹ 40 lakhs   (c) If Mahadev Enterprises is dealing in taxable supply of goods only from
             will be available to the person as supply of goods being the principal supply and    Himachal  Pradesh  and  has  also  effected  inter  -  State  supplies  of
             supply of service                                                                    taxable goods amounting to   ` 4,00,000. (CA Final RTP Nov 19)

                                                                                           Answer:- As per section 22 read with Notification No. 10/2019 CT dated 07.03.2019,
                                                                                           a supplier is liable to be registered in the State/ Union territory from where he makes
                                                                                           a taxable supply of goods and/or services, if his aggregate turnover in a financial year
                                                                                           exceeds the threshold limit. The threshold limit for a person making exclusive intra-

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy          243
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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