Page 20 - Chapter 10 Registration
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State taxable supplies of goods is as under:-                                  In the given case, Mahadev Enterprises is engaged in exclusive intra-State supply of
              (I)`  10 lakh for the States of Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur and Nagaland.     goods from Himachal Pradesh, Tripura and Uttarakhand.
              (ii)` 20 lakh for the States of Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Puducherry, Sikkim,     However, since Mahadev Enterprises makes taxable supply of goods from one
                   Telangana and Uttarakhand.                                             of the specified Special Category States (i.e. Tripura), it will not be eligible for the

              (iii) `  40 lakh for rest of India.                                         higher threshold limit of ` 40 lakh; instead, the threshold limit for registration will be
           The threshold limit for a person making exclusive taxable supply of services  or supply  reduced to ` 10 lakh
           of both goods and services is as under:-                                       (1) In view of the above-mentioned provisions, Mahadev Enterprises is  liable to be
              (i) `  10 lakh for the States of Mizoram, Tripura, Manipur and Nagaland.        registered under GST law with the aggregate turnover  amounting to ` 56,90,000
              (ii) ` 20 lakh for the rest of India.                                           (computed on all India basis). The applicable threshold limit of registration in

           As per section 2(6), aggregate turnover includes the aggregate value of:           this case is ` 10 lakh.
              (i) all taxable supplies,                                                                  Further, he is not liable to be registered in Uttarakhand since he is
   CH 10      (ii) all exempt supplies,                                                       not  making any taxable supply from Uttarakhand.
              (iii) exports of goods and/or services and                                  (2)  (a) If Mahadev Enterprises is dealing in supply of goods only from Himachal
         Registration  The above is computed on all India basis.                                  Pradesh, the applicable threshold limit of registration would be ` 40 lakh.
              (iv) all inter-State supplies of persons having the same PAN.

           In the light of the afore-mentioned provisions, the aggregate turnover of  Mahadev
                                                                                                  Thus, Mahadev Enterprises will not be liable for registration as its aggregate
                                                                                                  turnover would be ` 22,50,000.
           Enterprises is computed as under:
            Computation of State-wise aggregate turnover of Mahadev Enterprises               (b) If Mahadev Enterprises is dealing in taxable supply of goods and services only
                              Particulars       Himachal   Uttarakhand     Tripura                from Himachal Pradesh then higher threshold limit of ` 40 lakh will not be
                                                Pradesh (`)     (`)          (`)                  applicable as the same applies only in case of exclusive supply of goods.
           Intra- State supply of taxable goods  22,50,000      -          7,00,000               Therefore, in this case, the applicable threshold limit will be ` 20 lakh and
           Intra-State supply of exempted goods                 -          6,00,000
                                                                                                  hence, Mahadev  Enterprises will be liable to registration.
           Intra-State supply of non-taxable goods           21,00,000      40,000
                                                                                              (c)  In  case  of  inter-State  supplies  of  taxable  goods,  section  24  requires
           [As per section 2(47), exempt supply
                                                                                                  compulsory registration irrespective of the quantum of aggregate turnover.
           includes nontaxable supply. Thus, intra-State
                                                                                                  Thus, Mahadev Enterprises will be liable to registration.
           supply of non-taxable goods in Uttarakhand,
           being a non-taxable supply, is an exempt
           supply and is, therefore, included in the                                       CCP
           aggregate turnover                                                             Happy Ltd. located at Alwar (Rajasthan), exclusively manufactures and sells
           Aggregate Turnover                   22,50,000    21,00,000    13,40,000       the product "Shine & Shine", which is exempt from GST. Happy Ltd. sells "Shine
                                                                                          & Shine" only within Rajasthan. The turnover of Happy Ltd. in the previous year

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