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CCP                                                                CCP
           Who is a Non-resident Taxable Person?                                          Mr. X of Mumbai often participates in the jewellery exhibition at Trade Fair in
           Answer :- As per Sec 2(77) of the CGST Act,  Non-resident Taxable Person means   Delhi, which is organised every year in the month of February. Mr. X applied for
           any person                                                                     registration in January. The proper officer demanded an advance deposit of tax

           Ü who occasionally undertakes transactions involving supply of goods or services   in an amount equivalent to the estimated tax liability of Mr. X.
           or both,                                                                       You are required to examine whether any advance tax is to be paid by Mr. X at
           Ü whether as principal or agent or in any other capacity,                      the time of obtaining registration?[CA final MTP May 2018]
                  but who has no fixed place of business or residence in India             Answer: Yes, advance tax is to be paid by Mr. X at the time of obtaining registration.
                                                                                          Since Mr. X occasionally undertakes supply of goods in the course or furtherance of

            CCP                                                               business in a State where he has no fixed place of business, thus he qualifies as casual
           What is the validity period of the Registration certificate issued to a Casual  taxable person in terms of section 2(20) of CGST Act, 2017.
           Taxable Person and non-resident taxable person?                                        While a normal taxable person does not have to make any advance deposit of
   CH 10
           Answer :- As per sec 27 of CGST Act, The certificate of registration issued to a  “casual   tax to obtain registration, a casual taxable person shall, at the time of submission of
         Registration  the application for registration or for a period of 90 days from the effective date of   thereto, to make an advance deposit of tax in an amount equivalent to the estimated
                                                                                          application for registration is required, in terms of section 27(2)
                                                                                                                                                        read with proviso
           taxable person” or a “
                              non-resident taxable person” shall be valid for a period specified in
                                                                                          tax liability of such person for the period for which the registration is sought.
           registration, whichever is earlier.
                                                                                                  If registration is to be extended beyond the initial period of 90 days, an
                  However, the proper officer, at the request of the said taxable person, may

           extend the validity of the aforesaid period by a further period not exceeding 90 days.     advance additional amount of tax equivalent to the estimated tax liability is to be
            It is clarified  by  CBIC that in case of long running exhibitions (for a period more   deposited for the period for which the extension beyond 90 days is being sought.

           than 180 days), the taxable person cannot be treated as a CTP and thus such person
                                                                                           07. Sec-28- Amendment of registration
           would be required to obtain registration as a normal taxable person.
           CCP                                                                Discuss the procedure for amendment of registration under CGST Act and rules
           Whether  the  amount  deposited  by  a  casual  taxable  person  or  non-resident   thereto?
           taxable person is refundable?                                                  Answer: The procedure for amendment of registration are contained in section 28
                                                                                          read with rule 19 of CGST Rules. The significant aspects of the same are discussed
           Answer :-Yes, Such deposited amount can be utilised against the output tax liability
           and balance amount shall be refunded to the applicant subject to Section-54 of the   hereunder:
           CGST Act.                                                                         1.  Where  there  is  any  change  in  the  particulars  furnished  in  registration
                                                                                               application/UIN application, registered person shall submit an application in
                                                                                               prescribed manner, within 15 days of such change,  along with documents
                                                                                               relating to such change at the Common Portal.
       240    CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                                                           V’Smart Academy
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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