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17. Para 5- Supply of services (Renting of Imm. Property, Construction,           obligation to refrain from an act   , is subject to GST.
            Temporary T/f of IPR, Dev etc of software, Agreeing to the obligation         2) Consideration received for non-compete agreement is also consideration for
            to refrain from an act etc, t/f of rights                                         supply of services. Consideration of ` 10 lakhs received on the promise of Mr. P CH 2
           CCP                                                                    of not providing similar services to any other person, is consideration for supply
                                                                                              which is chargeable to GST.
           (a) M/s. ABC Ltd. provides the following relating to information technology
                                                                                                  Since GST is not separately collected, it will be assumed that it is included in
           software. Compute the value of taxable service and GST liability (Rate of CGST
                                                                                              ` 10 lakhs. Consequently, value of taxable supply will be ` 8,47,458 (i.e., `
           9% and SGST 9%)?
                                                                                              10,00,000 × 100 ÷ 118). GST liability on ` 8,47,458 will be calculated as follows
           1. Development and Design of information technology software: ` 15 lakhs;
                                                                                              (it will be paid by Mr. P out of his pocket)
           2. Sale of pre-packaged software, which is put on media: ` 52 lakhs.                                                                                            Charge of Tax & Concept of Supply
           Answer:                                                                          Particulars                                             `
           (a) (1) will be treated as supply & as per schedule II will be classified as supply of   Taxable value of supply                              8,47,458
           service                                                                          Add: GST –
           Value of Taxable supply of service is `, 15 Lakhs                                CGST (@ 9% of ` 8,47,458)                                      76,271
           CGST @ 9% of `15 lacs = `1.35 lacs & SGST @ 9% of `15 lacs = ` 1.35 lacs         SGST (Maharashtra) (@ 9% of ` 8,47,458)                        76,271

           2) will be treated as supply & as per schedule II will be classified as supply of goods   Total amount charged by Mr. P                       10,00,000
           Value of Taxable supply of goods is `52 lacs
           CGST @ 9% of `52 lacs = ` 4.68 lacs & SGST @ 9% of ` 52 lacs = ` 4.68 lacs       CCP
                                                                                           Venus music world charged a late fee as a penalty for late return of a DVD
            CCP                                                                compact disc to its customer. Will the late fee charged to its customer be
           Mr. P, located in Mumbai, is a technical consultant to many companies. He is a
                                                                                           considered as a part of consideration?
           registered person under GST. He has been providing technical services to Alpha
                                                                                           Answer: As per sec 2(102) Service means anything other than goods, money &
           Ltd., Nagpur since 2011. Consideration is settled for each assignment.
                  On December 10, 2017, Alpha Ltd. has paid ` 10 lakhs to Mr. P on his
                                                                                           Also as per Schedule II para 5 of CGST Act, refraining from an act or to tolerate an
           promise of not providing similar technical services to any other business entity
                                                                                           act is classified as supply of service.
           in India or abroad for a period of 10 years ending on December 31, 2027.
                                                                                           Hence, late fee, fine, penalty charged by the supplier for any reason would be treated
                  Mr. P is of the view that ` 10 lakhs is not chargeable to GST. Do you
                                                                                           as supply for consideration & liable to GST.
           agree? If not, calculated liability of Mr. P (it cannot be recovered from Alpha
           Ltd.). A technical service provided by Mr. P is otherwise chargeable to GST at
           the rate of 18%.  [CMA Final RTP Dec 18]

           Answer: 1) Scope of supply includes deemed supply given under Schedule II. Under
               Item  5(e)  of  Schedule  II,  any  consideration  received  for  agreeing  to  the

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy          27
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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