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18. Section 7 (2)- Activities/transactions which shall be treated neither       return of the incentive given to them shall not be treated as a “supply”.
              as a supply of goods nor a supply of services read with schedule III        In the light of above discussion, GST is not leviable on the incentive paid by Angad
     CH 2   CCP    (Para 1)                                                   Private Ltd. to employees.
           Employer provides bus service, meal coupon, telephone at residence, gives vehicle
         Charge of Tax & Concept of Supply
           for official and personal use, uniform and shoes, to employee. Explain implication   CCP  (Para 2)
           of GST?                                                                        Mr. Raj purchase goods from M/s XYZ Ltd. The goods received by Mr. Raj is not as

           Answer: As per Sec 7(2) of CGST Act read with Sch III  any service provided by an   per his specification given by him to M/s XYZ Ltd. Mr. Raj files a complaint in
           employee to employer in the course of or in relation to employment then it is not   customer disputes redressal commission and pays fee of ` 2000 for registration
           called as supply.                                                              of  his  complaint.  Explain  whether  GST  leviable  on  the  fee  charged  for
           Also as per Schedule I para 2  any gift given by the employer to an employee upto `,   registration of complaint?

           50,000 in a financial year does not qualify as a supply.                        Answer:-  Legal Provision:- As per sec 7 of CGST act read with schedule III of
           In given case bus, service, meal coupon etc are provided by the employer in course of   CGST Act, Services by any court or Tribunal established under any law for the time
           or in relation to employment then no GST is payable, But if it is provided as a gift &   being in force is neither a supply of goods nor services
           not as a part of employment then GST is payable for any value in exceeding  of  `,   Clarification:-As per circular no. 32/06/2018 GST dt 12/02/2018 Consumer Disputes
           50,000 in a financial year.                                                     Redressal Commissions (National/ State/ District) may not be tribunals literally as

                                                                                          they may not have been set up directly under Article 323B of the Constitution.
            CCP  (Para 1)                                                     However, they are clothed with the characteristics of a tribunal.
           Angad Private Ltd. is engaged in the business of distribution of construction
                                                                                          In view of the aforesaid, it is hereby clarified that fee paid by Mr. Raj in the Consumer
           material. As an incentive, Angad Private Ltd. pays an amount of ` 75,000 to its
                                                                                          Disputes Redressal Commissions are not leviable to GST. Any penalty imposed by or
           employees upon achieving a specified sales target. The incentive is part of the
                                                                                          amount paid to these Commissions will also not attract GST.
           salary of the employees and applicable tax is deducted at source as per relevant
           income tax provisions. Angad Private Ltd. is of the view that GST is not leviable   CCP  (Para 4)
           on such incentive paid to the employees. Whether the view taken by Angad       Determine whether the following activities fall under the purview of supply as
           Private Ltd. is correct? [ICAI Material]                                       per section 7 of CGST Act, 2017:-

           Answer- Yes, Angad Private Ltd.’s view is correct. In terms of section 7(2) read   i) Mr Raj hires an ambulance for transport facility of a deceased person for
           with Schedule III of the CGST Act, services by an employee to employer in the course   performing funeral rituals
           of or in relation to his employment shall not be treated as supply under GST. Further,   ii) Mr S enters into an agreement for sale of land to Mr R for a consideration
           the amount paid as incentive by Angad Private Ltd. is not in the nature of gift, and   iii) M/s ABC developers sold fully furnished building to Mr. Sagar for a valuable
           thus, is not covered under Schedule I of the CGST Act.                             consideration
                  In fact, in the given case, the incentive is part of the salary and isdirectly   Answer:  I) As per section 7 read with Schedule III para 4 of CGST Act, Services of

              linked to the sales target. Therefore, the services provided by the employees in
        28    CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                                                           V’Smart Academy
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