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of payment if it's before receipt of goods &                                     Reverse Charge for notified SOG & SOS u/s 9(3) of CGST & Sec
                  in case of supply of service under reverse charge the time of supply shall be   5(3) of IGST
           determined as per sec 13(3) i.e. date of payment made(Detailed discussion u/s   02. GTA services
           12(3)& Sec 13 (3)).                                                             CCP
                                                                                                                                                                        CH 3
           Hence, Reverse charge is applicable at the time of advance even though actual supply   ABC  cooperative  housing  society  availed  the  transport  services  of  Sharma
           is yet to take place.                                                          Transports Pvt Ltd for transport of goods by road on a consignment agreement.

           Rule 52 provides for the issuance of a Payment Voucher  in cases where tax is to be   Determine the tax implication as per GST
           paid on reverse charge basis.                                                  Answer:-  As per section 9(3) of CGST Act  read with relevant notification. Supply of
                                                                                          Services by a goods transport agency (GTA) in respect of transportation of goods by  Reverse Charge & ECO
            CCP                                                               road to-

           State answers to the following as in accordance with the provisions of GST     Any co-operative society established by or under any law;
           pertaining to Reverse Charge:                                                  The liability to pay GST shall lie upon the recipient of service as per reverse charge
            (i) What are implications to supplier if recipient refuses to pay tax on reverse   mechanism. Thus in the given case ABC cooperative housing society shall pay the GST.
               charge?                                                                    If GTA has opted to pay GST @ 5% only then reverse charge will be applicable
            (ii) In case supplier has paid GST, is recipient discharged from the liability to

               pay tax on reverse charge?                                                  CCP
            (iii) Is GST wrongly paid by supplier available as Input Tax Credit (ITC) to   PMC being a local authority registered under Central Goods and Service Tax Act,
               recipient?                                                                 2017 only for the purpose of deducting tax u/s 51 and not engaged in making any
           Answer:-                                                                       taxable supply of goods or services. PMC availed the transport service of RV
           (i)As per sec 9(3) & 9(4)  reverse charge is applicable & liability to pay tax is on   Transport Company for transportation of goods in a goods carriage by road.

               recipient & hence there is no recourse back to the supplier (i.e. it should not be   Determine the tax implications as per GST Act.
               demanded from supplier) in case of default by recipient to discharge reverse   Answer:-  As per section 9(3) of CGST Act, 2017  read with relevant notification,
               charge liability. Action by Department is only against recipient.          Supply of service by a goods transport agency (GTA) in respect of transportation of
            (ii) No, As per sec 9(3),  even if supplier has somehow paid tax the reverse charge   goods by road to- “any person registered under GST Act” then person liable to pay
               tax liability must be discharged by the recipient. The recipient must not claim   tax is recipient of services as per provision of Act.
               credit of tax paid by supplier & supplier can however claim for refund of tax.     Provided that nothing contained in this entry shall apply to services provided
           (iii) No, As per sec 9(3) of CGST Act , ITC is not available on supplier invoice to   by a goods transport agency, by way of transport of goods in a goods carriage by road

               recipient. Recipient has to pay tax under RCM & take ITC. However supplier can   to-
               claim refund of tax erroneously paid.                                      “local authority which has taken registration under the CGST Act, 2017 only for the
                                                                                          purpose of deducting tax u/s 51 and not for making a taxable supply of goods or

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy          45
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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