Page 6 - CHAPTER 3 (1).cdr
P. 6

Generally the liability to pay GST in case of service provided by GTA to
                                                                                            3   For sales to locations in neighboring States (` 55,00,000),    ` 3,73,000
           notified registered person shall lie on the recipient of service as per reverse charge   the company booked  the goods by road carriers (GTAs)
           mechanism(if GTA opt for 5%).                                                        and paid road freight [Out of the  total sales to neighboring
                  But in the given case, PMC being a local authority even though registered      States, goods worth ` 10,00,000 were booked through a
     CH 3                                                                                       GTA which paid tax @ 12%.  Freight of ` 73,000 was
           under CGST Act, not liable to pay tax on service provided by GTA under reverse charge   4  paid to such GTA.  ]                                  ` 55,000.
         Reverse Charge & ECO  is also not liable to pay tax under forward charge.               the company booked the  goods by a GTA and paid road       ` 35,000.
                                                                                                 For purchase of flour from Madhya Pradesh (` 25,00,000),
           Note:- Given service is subject to exemption (refer Exemption chapter). Hence  GTA

                                                                                                 For purchase of butter from Punjab (` 15,00,000), the
                                   (GTA +RCM + Exemption)
                                                                                                 company booked the goods  by a GTA and paid road freight
           XYZ Ltd., New Delhi, manufactures biscuits under the brand name 'Tastypicks'.
                                                                                                 the goods by a GTA in a  single carriage and paid road freight
           Biscuits are supplied to wholesalers and distributors located across India on FOR
                                                                                                 For transferring the biscuits (open market value - ` 4,00,000)
           basis from the warehouse of the company located at New Delhi.                         For local purchase of baking powder, the company booked     ` 1,500
                  The company uses multiple modes of transport for supplying the biscuits        to one of its sister  concern in Rajasthan, the company booked  ` 40,000.
                                                                                                  the goods by a GTA and paid road  freight
           to its customers spread across the country.  The transportation cost is shown as
           a line item in the invoice and is billed to the customers with a mark-up of 2% on   (I) Based on the particulars given above, compute the GST payable on the
           total amount of freight paid (inclusive of taxes).                                     amount paid for transportation by XYZ Ltd. when it avails the services

                  Flour used for the production process is procured from vendors located in       of  different transporters.
           Madhya Pradesh on ex-factory basis.   The company engages goods transport         (ii) Compute the GST charged on transportation cost billed by the company
           agencies (GTA) to transport the flour from the factories of the vendors to its          to its customers.
           factory located in New Delhi.                                                  Note: - Assume the rate of GST on transportation of goods and biscuits to be 5%
                  The company has provided the following data relating to transportation   and 12% respectively [except where any other rate is specified in the question].

           of biscuits and flour in the month of April 20XX:                               [RTP Nov 18]
                                                                                          Answer:- Calculation of GST on Transportation service availed
           S.No.   Particular                                              Amount
                                                                                                                     Freight  GST
            1   For sales within the NCR region (` 20,00,000)                               Particulars               (`)     Payble   Reason
                                                                           ` 54,000.
                 The company arranged a local mini-van belonging to an                      Transportation of biscuits   54,000  Nil  Only the transportation of goods by
                 individual and paid him                                                    in a local mini van                      road by a GTA is liable to GST.
            2    For sales to locations in distant States (` 1,78,00,000), the    ` 3,17,000.  belonging  to an individual           Therefore, transportation of goods by
                 company booked the  goods by Indian Railways and paid rail                                                          road otherwise than by a GTA is
                 freight                                                                                                             exempt from GST
                                                                                            Transportation of biscuits   3,17,000  15,850  GST under forward charge
                                                                                            by Indian Railways
        46    CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                                                           V’Smart Academy
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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