Page 12 - 11. COMPILER QB - INDAS 105
P. 12

(Rs in lakh)

               Particulars                  Carrying value –        Impairment     Carrying value as per Ind
                                               st                                              st

                                             31 July, 2018                          AS 105  – 31 July, 2018
               Goodwill                          1,000                (1,000)                 -
                                                                    (Refer WN)
               Plant & Machinery                 1,800                (229)                  1,571

                                                                    (Refer WN)
               Building                          3,700                 (471)                3,229
               Debtors                           2,100                   -                   2,100
               Inventory                          800                    -                   800

               Creditors                         (500)                   -                  (500)
               Loans                            (3,700)                  -                 (3,700)
                                                 5,200                (1,700)               3,500

        Working Note:

        Allocation of impairment loss to Plant and Machinery and Building
        After adjustment of impairment loss of Rs 1,000 lakh from the full value of goodwill, the balance Rs 700 lakh

        (Rs 1,700 lakh – Rs 1,000 lakh) is allocated to plant and machinery and Building on proportionate basis.
        Plant and machinery – Rs 700 lakh x Rs 1,800 lakh / Rs 5,500 lakh = Rs 230 lakh (rounded off)

        Building – Rs 700 lakh x Rs 3,700 lakh / Rs 5,500 lakh = Rs 470 lakh (rounded off)

        (iii)  Measurement of the manufacturing unit as on the date of classification as at the year end
        The measurement as at the year-end shall be on similar lines as done above.

        The assets and liabilities in the disposal group not within the scope of this Standard are measured as per the
        respective standards.

        The fair value less cost to sell of the disposal group as a whole is calculated. This fair value less cost to sell
        as at the year-end shall be compared with the carrying  value as at the date of classification as held for

        sale. It is provided that the fair value as on the year end is less than the carrying amount as on that date –
        thus  the  impairment  loss  shall  be  allocated  in  the  same  way  between  the  assets  of  the  disposal  group

        falling within the scope of this standard as shown above.
        Measurement  of  the  manufacturing  unit  as  on  the  date  of  classification  as  at  the  year-  end  shall  be  on

        similar lines as done above.

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