Page 8 - 11. COMPILER QB - INDAS 105
P. 8

even then it is not for sale in its present condition and no conditions have been unexpectedly imposed. The

        land will not be classified as held for sale until the rectification work is actually carried out.

        Situation 3
        The  land  in  this  case  is  available  for  immediate  sale  in  its  present  condition  and  it  would  qualify  to  be

        classified as held for sales since it is being marketed at reasonable price.

        Q5 (Nov. 18 – 8 Marks)

        PB Limited purchased a plastic bottle manufacturing plant for Rs24 lakh on 1st April, 2015. The useful life of
        the plant is 8 years. On 30th September, 2017, PB Limited temporarily stops using the manufacturing plant

        because demand has declined. However, the plant is maintained in a workable condition and it will be used in
        future when demand picks up.

        The  accountant  of  PB  Limited  decided to  treat  the  plant  as  held for  sale  until the  demand  picks up  and
        accordingly measures the plant at lower of carrying amount and fair value less cost to sell. The accountant

        has also stopped charging depreciation for rest of the period considering the plant as held for sale. The fair
        value  less  cost  to  sell  on  30th  September,  2017  and  31st  March,  2018  was  Rs13.5  lakh  &  Rs12  lakh

                                     The accountant has made the following working:

                     Carrying amount on initial classification as held for sale        Rs            Rs
             Purchase price of Plant                                                24,00,000
             Less: Accumulated Depreciation [(Rs24,00,000/8)x2.5 years]             7,50,000      16,50,000

             Fair value less cost to sell as on 31st March, 2017                                  12,00,000
             The value lower of the above two                                                     12,00,000

                                     Balance Sheet extracts as on 31st March, 2018

                                               Particulars                          Rs
                             Current Assets

                             Other Current Assets
                             Assets classified as held for sale                  12,00,000

        Analyze whether the above accounting treatment is in compliance with the Ind AS. If not, advise the correct

        treatment showing necessary workings.

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