Page 9 - 11. COMPILER QB - INDAS 105
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        As per Ind AS 105 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’, an entity shall classify a

        non-current  asset  as  held  for  sale  if  its  carrying  amount  will  be  recovered  principally  through  a  sale
        transaction rather than through continuing use.

        For asset to be classified as held for sale, it must be available for immediate sale in its present condition
        subject  only  to  terms  that  are  usual  and  customary  for  sales  of  such  assets  and  its  sale  must be  highly

        probable. In such a situation, an asset cannot be classified as a non-current asset held for sale, if the entity
        intends to sell it in a distant future.

        For the sale to be highly probable, the appropriate level of management must be committed to a plan to sell

        the  asset,  and  an  active  programme  to  locate  a  buyer  and  complete  the  plan  must  have  been  initiated.

        Further, the asset must be actively marketed for sale at a price that is reasonable in relation to its current
        fair value. In addition, the sale should be expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one
        year  from  the  date  of  classification  and  actions  required  to  complete  the  plan  should  indicate  that  it  is

        unlikely that significant changes to the plan will be made or that the plan will be withdrawn.

        Further Ind AS 105 also states that an entity shall not classify as held for sale a non-current asset that is to

        be abandoned. This is because its carrying amount will be recovered principally through continuing use.
        An entity shall not account for a non-current asset that has been temporarily taken out of use as if it had

        been abandoned.
        In addition to Ind AS 105, Ind AS 16 states that depreciation does not cease when the asset becomes idle or

        is retired from active use unless the asset is fully depreciated.

        The Accountant of PB Ltd. has treated the plant as held for sale and measured it at the fair value less cost
        to sell. Also, the depreciation has not been charged thereon since the date of classification as held for sale

        which is not correct and not in accordance with Ind AS 105 and Ind AS 16.

        Accordingly,  the  manufacturing  plant  should  neither  be  treated  as  abandoned  asset  nor  as  held  for  sale
        because  its  carrying  amount  will  be  principally  recovered  through  continuous  use.  PB  Ltd.  shall  not  stop

        charging  depreciation  or  treat  the  plant  as  held  for  sale  because  its  carrying  amount  will  be  recovered
        principally through continuing use to the end of their economic life.

        The working of the same for presenting in the balance sheet will be as follows

                  Calculation of carrying amount as on 31stMarch, 2018                       Rs
                  Purchase Price of Plant                                                 24,00,000

                  Less: Accumulated depreciation (24,00,000/ 8 years) x 3 years           (9,00,000)
                  Carrying amount before impairment                                       15,00,000
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