Page 6 - 12. COMPILER QB - INDAS 19
P. 6


        Q4. (Oct. 18 – 8 Marks)

        An employee Roshan has joined a company XYZ Ltd. in the year 2018. The annual emoluments of Roshan as
        decided is Rs. 14,90,210. The company also has a policy of giving a lump sum payment of 25% of the last
        drawn  annual  salary  of  the  employee  for  each  completed  year  of  service  if  the  employee  retires  after

        completing minimum 5 years of service. The salary of the Roshan is expected to grow @ 10% per annum.

        The company has inducted Roshan in the beginning of the year and it is expected that he will complete the
        minimum five-year term before retiring.

        What is the amount the company should charge in its Profit and Loss account every year as cost for the
        Defined Benefit obligation? Also calculate the current service cost and the interest cost to be charged per year

        assuming a discount rate of 8%.
        (P.V factor for 8% - 0.735, 0.794, 0.857, 0.926, 1)


                                        Calculation of Defined Benefit Obligation
        Expected last drawn salary   = Rs. 14,90,210 x 110% x 110% x 110% x 110% x 110%

                                            = Rs. 24,00,000

        Defined Benefit Obligation (DBO) = Rs. 24,00,000 x 25% x 5 = Rs. 30,00,000

        Amount of Rs. 6,00,000 will be charged to Profit and Loss Account of the company every year as cost for

        Defined Benefit Obligation.
                                           Calculation of Current Service Cost

                      Yr      Equal apportioned amount of   Discounting @ 8%     Current service cost
                            DBO [i.e. Rs. 30,00,000/5 years]     PV factor         (Present Value)
                      A                   B                         C                 d = b x c
                       1               6,00,000               0.735 (4 Years)          4,41,000
                      2                6,00,000               0.794 (3 Years)          4,76,400
                      3                6,00,000               0.857 (2 Years)          5,14,200
                      4                6,00,000                0.926 (1 Year)          5,55,600
                      5                6,00,000                 1 (0 Year)             6,00,000

                                   Calculation of Interest Cost to be charged per year
                      Yr   Opening balance   Interest cost   Current service cost   Closing balance
                      A          B           c = b x 8%             d                e = b + c + d

                      1          0                0               4,41,000             4,41,000
                      2        4,41,000        35,280            4,76,400              9,52,680

                      3       9,52,680         76,214             5,14,200             15,43,094
                      4       15,43,094        1,23,447          5,55,600              22,22,141
                                                                                                           12. 5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11