Page 2 - 12. COMPILER QB - INDAS 19
P. 2

INDAS 19 –

                                   EMPLOYEE BENEFITS

                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 9)


                               S.No.                  Particulars                 Page No.

                                 1                  RTP Questions                    12.1

                                2                  MTP Questions                    12.5

                                3               Past Exam Questions                 12.12

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (Nov. 18 & 19)

        A Ltd.  prepares its financial  statements  to 31 March  each  year.  It operates  a defined  benefit retirement
        benefits  plan on behalf of current  and  former  employees.  A Ltd. receives  advice  from  actuaries  regarding
        contribution levels and overall liabilities of the plan to pay benefits. On 1 April, 2017, the actuaries advised
        that the present value  of the defined benefit obligation was Rs. 6,00,00,000.  On the same date, the fair

        value of the assets of the defined benefit plan was Rs. 5,20,00,000.  On 1 April, 2017, the annual market
        yield on government bonds was 5%. During the year ended 31 March, 2018, A Ltd. made contributions of Rs.

        70,00,000  into the  plan and the  plan  paid  out  benefits  of Rs. 42,00,000  to retired  members.  Both these
        payments were made on 31 March, 2018.
        The actuaries advised that the current service cost for the year ended 3 1 March, 2018 was Rs. 62,00,000.
        On 28 February,  2018, the rules of the plan were amended  with retrospective  effect. These amendments
        meant that  the present value  of the defined benefit obligation  was increased  by Rs. 15,00,000 from that

        During the year ended 31 March, 2018, A Ltd. was in negotiation with employee representatives regarding
        planned redundancies. The negotiations were completed shortly before the year end and redundancy packages
        were  agreed.  The  impact  of  these  redundancies  was  to  reduce  the  present  value  of  the  defined  benefit

        obligation by Rs. 80,00,000. Before 31 March, 2018, A Ltd. made payments of Rs 75,00,000 to the employees
        affected  by  the  redundancies  in  compensation  for  the  curtailment  of  their  benefits.  These  payments  were
        made out of the assets of the retirement benefits plan.

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