Page 4 - 12. COMPILER QB - INDAS 19
P. 4

value of the defined benefit obligation is therefore, increased by Rs 80 million. Given below is the composition

        of this amount:
                   Employees with more than 5 years’ of service at 1st April, 2015       Rs 60 million
                   Employees with less than 5 years’ of service at 1st April, 2015       Rs 20 million

        The employees in the second category have completed average 2 and half years of service. Hence, they need
        to complete another two and half year of service until vesting.

        Comment on the treatment of Rs 80 million of the defined benefit obligation in the financial statements
        both as per AS 15 and Ind AS 19.


          Under AS 15, a past service cost of Rs60 million needs to be recognized immediately, as those benefits are

            already  vested.  The  remaining Rs20  million cost is  recognized  on  a  straight-line  basis  over  the  vesting
            period, i.e., period to two and half years commencing from 1st April, 2015.

          Under Ind AS 19, the entire past service cost of Rs80 million needs to be recognized and charged in profit

            or loss immediately. ABC Ltd. cannot defer any part of this cost.

        Q3 (May 21)

        At 1 April, 20X0, the fair value of the Plan Assets was Rs.10,00,000. The Plan paid benefits of Rs.1,90,000 and
        received contributions of Rs. 4,90,000 on 30 September, 20X0. The company computes the Fair Value of Plan
        Assets to be Rs.15,00,000 as on 31 March, 20X1 and the Present Value of the Defined Benefit Obligation to

        amount to Rs.14,79,200 on the same date. Actuarial losses on defined benefit obligation were Rs.6,000.
        Compounding happens half-yearly. The normal interest rate for 6 months period is 10% per annum, while the
        effective interest rate for 12 months period is based on the following data:
        At 1 April, 20X0, the company made the following estimates based on market prices at that date:
                                                  Particulars                                 %

                    Interest and Dividend Income, after tax payable by the fund              9.25

                    Add: Realized and Unrealized Gains on Plan Assets (after tax)            2.00
                    Less: Administration Costs                                              (1.00)
                    Expected Rate of Return                                                  10.25

        Determine actual return and expected return on plan asset. Also compute amount to be recognized in ‘Other
        Comprehensive Income’ in this case.

        Computation of Expected Return on Plan Assets
                                                 Particulars                                     Rs.
                 Return on Rs 10,00,000 for 20X0-20X1 at 10.25% =10,00,000 x 10.25%            1,02,500

                 Add: Return on Rs.3,00,000 for 6 months at 10% Normal Rate =   [3,00,000(Inflow
                 Rs. 4,90,000 less Payment Rs. 1,90,000) x 10% 6/12]                            15,000
                 Expected Return on Plan Assets                                                1,15,500

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