Page 21 - 2. COMPILER QB - INDAS 12
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Net  deferred  tax  liability  arising  on  acquisition  of  entity  S      60
                      (Rs150,000 @ 40%)
                      Purchase consideration                                                1,500
                      Less:  Fair  values  of  entity  S’s  identifiable  assets  and   1,070
                      liabilities (excluding deferred tax)
                      Deferred tax liability                                   (60)        (1,010)

                      Goodwill arising on acquisition                                       490

        Note: Since, the tax base of the goodwill is nil, taxable temporary difference of Rs 4,90,000 arises on goodwill.
        However, no deferred tax is recognised on the goodwill. The deferred tax on other temporary differences arising

        on acquisition is provided at 40% and not 30%, because taxes will be payable or recoverable in entity S’s tax
        jurisdictions when the temporary differences will be reversed.

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