Page 19 - 2. COMPILER QB - INDAS 12
P. 19

Q14. (December 21 – 5 Marks) - Similar to Q.9.

        PC  Limited  got  incorporated  on  1st  April,2020.  As  on  31.03.2021,  the  said  date,  the  following  temporary
        differences exist:
            i)  Taxable temporary differences relating to accelerated depreciation of Rs 1,24,000. These are expected to
               reverse equally over the next 4 years.

            ii)  Deductible temporary differences of Rs 80,000 expected to reverse equally over next 5 years.
        It is expected that PC Limited will continue to make losses for the next 5 years. Tax rate is 20%. Losses can

        be carried forward but not backwards. Discuss the treatment of deferred tax as on 31st March, 2021.
        As  per  IndAS  12,  DTA  shall  be  recognised  to  the  extent  it  is  probable  that  the  entity  will  have  taxable

        profits against which deductible temp. diff. shall be reversed; or the entity has sufficient taxable temporary
        differences relating to the same taxation authority and the same taxable entity, which will result in taxable
        amounts against which the unused tax losses or unused tax credits can be utilised before they expire;

        In  the  given  situation,  sufficient  Taxable  Income  is  not  available,  however  the  entity  has  some  taxable
        temporary  differences.  Therefore  deductible  temporary  differences  to  the  extent  of  Rs.  64000  (16000  each
        year) shall be considered for recognising DTA.
        Balance Rs. 16000 is to be ignored since it is reversible in the year 2026 where the entity does not have any
        Anticipated Taxable Temporary Differences.
        The year-wise anticipated reversal of temporary differences is as under:

                                         Year ending    Year ending   Year ending   Year ending    Year ending
                                           on 31st        on 31st       on 31st       on 31st        on 31st
                                         March, 2022   March, 2023   March, 2024    March, 2025    March, 2026

           Reversal of taxable temporary
           difference relating to
           accelerated depreciation over
           next 3 years (Rs 1,24,000/4)     31,000        31,000        31,000        31,000           Nil

           Reversal of deductible
           temporary difference relating
           to preliminary expenses over     16,000        16,000        16,000        16,000          16,000

           next 4 years (Rs 80,000/5)
        PC Limited will recognise a deferred tax liability of Rs. 24,800 on taxable temporary difference relating to
        accelerated depreciation of Rs 1,24,000 @ 20%.
        However, it will limit and recognise a deferred tax asset on reversal of deductible temporary difference relating

        to preliminary expenses reversing up to year ending March 31, 2025. No deferred tax asset shall be recognized
        for the reversal of deductible temporary difference for the year ending on March 31, 2026 as there are no

        taxable  temporary  differences.  Further,  the  outlook  is  also  a  loss.  However,  if  there  are  tax  planning
        opportunities  that  could  be  identified  for  the  year  ending  on  March  31,  2026  deferred  tax  asset  on  the

        remainder of Rs16,000 (Rs80,000 – Rs64,000) of deductible temporary difference could be recognised at the
        20% tax rate.

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