Page 20 - 2. COMPILER QB - INDAS 12
P. 20


        Q15. (ICAI MODULE) - Same as Q.5.

        On 1 January 2020, entity H acquired 100% share capital of entity S for Rs15,00,000. The book values and the
        fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities of entity S at the date of acquisition are set out below,
        together  with their  tax bases  in  entity S’s  tax  jurisdictions.  Any  goodwill  arising  on  the  acquisition  is  not
        deductible  for  tax  purposes.  The  tax  rates  in  entity  H’s  and  entity  S’s  jurisdictions  are  30%  and  40%
                               Acquisitions               Book values     Tax base      Fair values
                                                            Rs’000         Rs’000         Rs’000

                    Land and buildings                       600             500           700
                    Property, plant and equipment            250            200            270
                    Inventory                                100             100            80
                    Accounts receivable                      150             150            150

                    Cash and cash equivalents                130             130            130
                    Accounts payable                        (160)           (160)          (160)
                    Retirement benefit obligations          (100)             -            (100)

        You are required to calculate the deferred tax arising on acquisition of Entity S. Also calculate the Goodwill
        arising on acquisition.

        Calculation of Net assets acquired (excluding the effect of deferred tax liability):
                                       Net assets acquired               Tax base     Fair values
                                                                          Rs’000       Rs’000
                        Land and buildings                                  500          700

                        Property, plant and equipment                       200          270
                        Inventory                                           100          80

                        Accounts receivable                                 150          150
                        Cash and cash equivalents                           130          130
                        Total assets                                       1,080        1,330

                        Accounts payable                                   (160)        (160)
                        Retirement benefit obligations                       -          (100)

                        Net assets before deferred tax liability            920         1,070

        Calculation of deferred tax arising on acquisition of entity S and goodwill
                                                                              Rs ’000      Rs ’000

                      Fair values of S’s identifiable assets and liabilities (excluding      1,070
                      deferred tax)
                      Less: Tax base                                                       (920)
                      Temporary difference arising on acquisition                            150

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