Page 18 - 2. COMPILER QB - INDAS 12
P. 18

Year        Opening balance (Rs)     Interest @ 10%    Closing balance
                                              (A)                  (Rs) (B)      (Rs) (A) + (B)

                            3              59,29,000               5,92,900         65,21,900

        Since the closing balance calculated as per the above table on the basis of 10% matches with the bullet
        payment of Rs 65,21,900, it assures that 10% rate of interest taken as effective rate of interest is correct
        and is in accordance with Ind AS 109. It considers the impact of cost of borrowing adjusted from the loan

        amount at initial recognition.

        Q13. (Jan. 21)
            C Ltd. acquired the following assets and liabilities of D Ltd. in a business combination:
                                                                                     in Rs. 000s

                                                     Fair Value    Carrying Amount       Temporary
                        Plant & equipment               500              510                (10)
                        Inventory                       130              150               (20)
                        Trade receivables               200              210                (10)
                        Loans and advances              80                85                (5)
                                                        910              955               (45)
                        10% Debentures                  200              200
                                                        710              755
                        Consideration Paid              760              760
                                                        50                5
                        Goodwill Paid                   50                5                 45
        Goodwill is deductible as permissible expenses under the existing tax law.   Calculate  Deferred  Tax  Asset  /
        liability as per relevant Ind AS and also pass related journal entry in the books of C Ltd. and assume tax rate
        at 25%.


        In  this  case  there  is  a  Deferred  Tax  Asset  as  the  Tax  base  of  assets  acquired  is  higher  by  Rs.  45,000.
        Deferred Tax Asset would be Rs.11,250 (45,000 x 25%)
                                                      Journal entry
               Plant and equipment          Dr.                   5,00,000

               Inventory                    Dr.                   1,30,000
               Trade receivables            Dr.                   2,00,000
               Loans and advances           Dr.                   80,000
               Goodwill (50,000 - 11,250)   Dr.                   38,750*
               Deferred Tax Asset           Dr.                   11,250
                              To 10% Debentures                          2,00,000

                              To Bank                                    7,60,000
        (Assets and liabilities taken over, goodwill and deferred tax asset have been recognised)

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