Page 3 - 2. COMPILER QB - INDAS 12
P. 3

Rs in thousand    Rs in thousand
                              Profit & loss A/c Dr.             26
                                    To Current Tax                                26
                                   (Being tax calculated on taxable profit = 104 x 25% = 26)

        Deferred tax:
        Machine’s carrying amount according to Ind AS = Rs. 118 thousand (Rs120 thousand – Rs2 thousand)

        Machine’s carrying amount for taxation purpose = Rs. 114 thousand (Rs120 thousand – Rs6 thousand)
        Therefore, taxable temporary difference = Rs. 4 thousand

        Deferred Tax Liability = Rs4 thousand x 25%

                                                                          Rs in thousand
                             Profit & loss A/c Dr.                        1
                             To Deferred Tax Liability                                 1

                                         Tax reconciliation in absolute numbers:
                                                                              Rs in thousand
                              Profit before tax according to Ind AS                  100

                              Applicable tax rate                                   25%
                              Tax                                                    25
                              Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                2

                              (Rs. 8 thousand x 25%)
                              Tax expense (Current and deferred)                     27

                                                  Tax rate reconciliation
                             Applicable tax rate                                       25%

                             Expenses not deductible for tax purposes [(8x 25%) / 100]   2%
                             Average effective tax rate [27/100]                       27%

        Note -

            1.  Donation expense = Rs. 8 thousand. There will be no deduction for this expense in the current year as
               well as in future years. Hence, it is a permanent difference. In such cases, Carrying amount as per
               books = tax base. Therefore, no DTA / DTL will be created.

            2.  In case there is a Permanent Difference, a reconciliation will be prepared compulsorily.

                                                                                                                                               2. 2
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