Page 5 - 2. COMPILER QB - INDAS 12
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(ii)  The provision creates a potential deferred tax asset for the group since its carrying value is Rs20,00,000
              and its tax base is nil.

              This  deferred  tax  asset  can  be  recognised  because  X  Ltd.  is  expected  to  generate  taxable  profits  in
              excess of Rs. 20,00,000 in the year to 31st March, 2019.

              The amount of the deferred tax asset will be Rs. 4,00,000 (Rs. 20,00,000 x 20%).

              This  asset  will  be  presented  as  a  deduction  from  the  deferred  tax  liabilities  caused  by  the  (larger)
              taxable temporary differences.

         (iii)  The development costs (is treated as an Intangible Asset & will be depreciated over 5 years in books of

              accounts) have a carrying value of Rs. 15,20,000 [Rs. 16,00,000 – (Rs. 16,00,000 x 1/5 x 3/12)].
              The tax base of the development costs is nil since the relevant tax deduction has already been claimed.
              The  deferred  tax  liability  will  be  Rs.  3,04,000  (Rs.  15,20,000  x  20%).  All  deferred  tax  liabilities  are
              shown as non-current.

         (iv)  The carrying value of the loan at 31st March, 2018 is Rs. 1,07,80,000 (Rs. 1,00,00,000 – Rs. 2,00,000 +

              (Rs. 98,00,000 x 10%)). - refer amortization table
              The tax base of the loan is Rs. 1,00,00,000. (expense of Rs. 2,00,000 will be allowed separately)
              This creates a deductible temporary difference of Rs. 7,80,000 (Rs. 1,07,80,000 – Rs. 1,00,00,000) and a
              potential deferred tax asset of Rs. 1,56,000 (Rs. 7,80,000 x 20%). Due to the availability of taxable
              profits next year (see part (ii) above), this asset can be recognised as a deduction from deferred tax

                             Amortization Table for verification of effective rate of interest
                          Year        Opening balance (Rs)     Interest @ 10%    Closing balance
                                              (A)                  (Rs) (B)      (Rs) (A) + (B)

                            1       (1,00,00,000 – 2,00,000) =     9,80,000        1,07,80,000
                            2              1,07,80,000             10,78,000       1,18,58,000
                            3              1,18,58,000             11,85,800       1,30,43,800

        Q3 (May19) - Similar to Q2

        PQR  Ltd.,  a  manufacturing  company,  prepares  consolidated  financial  statements  to  31st  March  each  year.
        During the year ended 31st March, 2018, the following events affected the tax position of the group:

        ●  QPR  Ltd.,  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary  of  PQR  Ltd.,  incurred  a  loss  adjusted  for  tax  purposes  of  Rs
            30,00,000. QPR Ltd. is unable to utilize this loss against previous tax liabilities. The Income-tax Act does

            not allow QPR Ltd. to transfer the tax loss to other group companies. However, it allows QPR Ltd. to carry

            the loss forward and utilize it against the company's future taxable profits. The directors of PQR Ltd. do
            not consider that QPR Ltd. will make taxable profits in the foreseeable future.
        ●  During  the  year  ended  31st  March,  2018,  PQR  Ltd.  capitalized  development  costs  which  satisfied  the

            criteria  as  per  Ind  AS  38  ‘Intangible  Assets’.  The  total  amount  capitalized  was  Rs  16,00,000.  The
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