Page 6 - 2. COMPILER QB - INDAS 12
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development  project  began  to  generate  economic  benefits  for  PQR  Ltd.  from  1st  January,  2018.  The

            directors of PQR Ltd. estimated that the project would generate economic benefits for five years from that
            date.  The  development  expenditure  was  fully  deductible  against  taxable  profits  for  the  year  ended  31st

            March, 2018.
        ●  On 1st April, 2017, PQR Ltd. borrowed Rs 1,00,00,000. The cost to PQR Ltd. of arranging the borrowing was

            Rs 2,00,000 and this cost qualified for a tax deduction on 1st April 2017. The loan was for a three-year
            period. No interest was payable on the loan but the amount repayable on 31st March 2020 will be Rs

            1,30,43,800. This equates to an effective annual interest rate of 10%. As per the Income-tax Act, a further
            tax deduction of Rs30,43,800 will be claimable when the loan is repaid on 31st March, 2020.

        Explain  and  show  how  each  of  these  events  would  affect  the  deferred  tax  assets  /  liabilities  in  the
        consolidated balance sheet of PQR Ltd. group at 31st March, 2018 as per Ind AS. The rate of corporate income

        tax is 30%.

                       Impact on consolidated balance sheet of PQR Ltd. group at 31st March, 2018

        ●  The tax loss creates a potential deferred tax asset for the PQR Ltd. group since its carrying value is nil

            and its tax base is Rs 30,00,000. However, no deferred tax asset can be recognised because there is no
            prospect  of  being  able  to  reduce  tax  liabilities  in  the  foreseeable  future  as  no  taxable  profits  are

        ●  The development costs have a carrying value of Rs15,20,000(Rs16,00,000 – (Rs16,00,000 x 1/5 x 3/12)).

            The tax base of the development costs is nil since the relevant tax deduction has already been claimed.
            The deferred tax liability will be Rs4,56,000 (Rs15,20,000 x 30%). All deferred tax liabilities are shown as

        ●  The  carrying  value  of  the  loan  at  31st  March,  2018  is  Rs1,07,80,000  (Rs1,00,00,000  –  Rs200,000  +

            Rs98,00,000  x  10%)).  The  tax  base  of  the  loan  is  1,00,00,000.  This  creates  a  deductible  temporary
            difference of Rs7,80,000 and a potential deferred tax asset of Rs2,34,000 (Rs7,80,000 x 30%).

        Q4 (Nov. 19)

        An  entity  is  finalizing  its  financial  statements  for  the  year  ended  31st  March,  20X2.  Before  31st  March,

        20X2, the government announced that the tax rate was to be amended from 40% to 45% of taxable profit

        from 30th June, 20X2.
        The legislation to amend the tax rate has not yet been approved by the legislature. However, the government
        has a significant majority and it is usual, in the tax jurisdiction concerned, to regard an announcement of a

        change in the tax rate as having the substantive effect of actual enactment (i.e. it is substantively enacted).

        After performing the income tax calculations at the rate of 40 per cent, the entity has the following deferred
        tax asset and deferred tax liability balances:

                                         Deferred Tax Asset             80,000
                                         Deferred Tax Liability         60,000
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