Page 2 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 2

INDAS 16 –

                          PROPERTY, PLANT & EQUIPMENT

                                           (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 18)


                                S.No.                  Particulars                 Page No.
                                  1                  RTP Questions                    3.1

                                  2                  MTP Questions                    3.9
                                  3               Past Exam Questions                 3.15

                                                   RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (MAY 18)

        A Ltd. purchased some Property, Plant and Equipment on 1st April, 20X1, and estimated their useful lives for the
        purpose of financial statements prepared on the basis of Ind AS:

        Following were the original cost, and useful life of the various components of property, plant, and equipment
        assessed on 1st April, 20X1:

                    Property, Plant and Equipment            Original Cost       Estimated useful life
                    Buildings                                Rs 15,000,000             15 years
                    Plant and machinery                      Rs 10,000,000              10 years
                    Furniture and fixtures                    Rs 3,500,000              7 years

        A Ltd. uses the straight-line method of depreciation. On 1st April, 20X4, the entity reviewed the following useful
        lives of the property, plant, and equipment through an external valuation expert:

                             Buildings                                         10 years
                             Plant and machinery                               7 years
                             Furniture and fixtures                            5 years
        There were no salvage values for the three components of the property, plant, and equipment either initially or

        at the time the useful lives were revised.
        Compute the impact of revaluation of useful life on the Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ending 31st
        March, 20X4.

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