Page 5 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
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from the project as a whole which can be considered as the unit of measure for the purpose of capitalisation of

        the  said  expenditure  even  though  the  company  cannot  restrict  the  access  of  others  for  using  the  assets
        individually. It is apparent that the aforesaid expenditure is directly attributable to bringing the asset to the
        location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management.

        In view of this, even though ABC Ltd. may not be able to recognize expenditure incurred on these assets as an

        individual item of property, plant and equipment in many cases (where it cannot restrict others from using the
        asset), expenditure incurred may be capitalised as a part of overall cost of the project. From this, it can be

        concluded that, in the extant case the expenditure incurred on these assets, i.e., railway siding, road and bridge,
        should  be  considered  as  the  cost  of  constructing  the  refinery  and  accordingly,  expenditure  incurred  on  these

        items should be allocated and capitalised as part of the items of property, plant and equipment of the refinery.

        As per paragraph 43 and 47 of Ind AS 16, if these assets have a useful life which is different from the useful

        life  of  the  item  of  property,  plant  and  equipment  to  which  they  relate,  it  should  be  depreciated  separately.
        However, if these assets have a useful life and the depreciation method that are the same as the useful life and

        the depreciation method of the item of property, plant and equipment to which they relate, these assets may be
        grouped in determining the depreciation charge. Nevertheless, if it  has been included in the cost of property,

        plant  and  equipment  as  a  directly  attributable  cost,  it  will  be  depreciated  over  the  useful  lives  of  the  said
        property, plant and equipment.

        The useful lives of these assets should not exceed that of the asset to which it relates.

        These assets should be presented within the class of asset to which they relate.

        Q4. (Exam - May 19 & May 20 & MTP March 2021 – 6 marks)

        Company  X  performed  a  revaluation  of  all  of  its  plant  and  machinery  at  the  beginning  of  2018-2019.  The
        following information relates to one of the machineries:

                                                                               Amount (Rs000)
                            Gross carrying amount                                  Rs 200

                            Accumulated depreciation (straight-line method)         Rs 80
                            Net carrying amount                                    Rs 120
                            Fair value                                             Rs 150

        The useful life of the machinery is 10 years and the company uses Straight line method of depreciation. The

        revaluation was performed at the end of the 4th year.
        How  should  the  Company  account  for  revaluation  of  plant  and  machinery  and  depreciation  subsequent  to


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