Page 4 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 4

Although A Ltd. has no legal obligation to restore the piece of land, it does have a constructive obligation, based

        on its past practice and policies.
        The  amount  of  the  obligation  will  be  1,420,  being  the  present  value  of  the  anticipated  future  restoration
        expenditure (10,000 x 0.142).

        This will be recognised as a provision under non-current liabilities in the Balance Sheet of A Ltd. at 31st March,

        As time passes the discounted amount unwinds. The unwinding of the discount for the year ended 31st March,

        2018 will be 35.5 = (1,420 x 5% x 6/12).
        The  unwinding  of  the  discount  will  be  shown  as  a  finance  cost  in  the  statement  of  profit  or  loss and  the

        closing provision will be 1,455.50 = (1,420 + 35.5).
        The initial amount of the provision is included in the carrying amount of the non-current asset, which becomes

        21,420 = (20,000 + 1,420).
        The depreciation charge in profit or loss for the year ended 31st March, 2018 is 267.75 = (21,420 x 1/40 x6/12).

        The closing balance included in non-current assets will be 21,152.25 = (21,420 – 267.75).

        Q3 (Nov 18)

        ABC  Ltd  is  setting  up  a  new  refinery  outside  the  city  limits.  In  order  to  facilitate  the  construction  of  the

        refinery and its operations, ABC Ltd. is required to incur expenditure on the construction /development of railway
        siding,  road  and  bridge.  Though  ABC  Ltd.  incurs  (or  contributes  to)  the  expenditure  on  the  construction/

        development,  it  will  not  have  ownership  rights  on  these  items  and  they  are  also  available  for  use  to  other
        entities and public at large. Whether ABC Ltd. can capitalise expenditure incurred on these items as property,

        plant  and  equipment  (PPE)?  If  yes,  how  should  these  items  be  depreciated  and  presented  in  the  financial
        statements of ABC Ltd. as per Ind AS?


        Ind AS 16 states that the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be recognised as an asset if,

        and only if:
         (a) it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity; and

         (b) the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
        Further, paragraph 9 provides that the standard does not prescribe the unit of measure for recognition, i.e., what

        constitutes  an  item of  property,  plant  and  equipment.  Thus,  judgment  is  required  in  applying  the  recognition
        criteria to an entity‖s specific circumstances.

        Paragraph 16, inter alia, states that the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprise any costs
        directly  attributable  to  bringing  the  asset  to  the  location  and  condition  necessary  for  it  to  be  capable  of

        operating in the manner intended by management.
        In the given case, railway siding, road and bridge are required to facilitate the construction of the refinery and

        for its operations. Expenditure on these items is required to be incurred in order to get future economic benefits

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