Page 3 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 3


        The annual depreciation charges prior to the change in useful life were:

                          Buildings                      Rs1,50,00,000/15 =        Rs 10,00,000
                          Plant and machinery            Rs1,00,00,000/10 =        Rs 10,00,000
                          Furniture and fixtures          Rs 35,00,000/7 =          Rs5,00,000

                          Total =                                                Rs 25,00,000 (A)

        The revised annual depreciation for the year ending 31st March 20X4, would be:

                       Buildings               [1,50,00,000 - (10,00,000 x 3)] / 10   Rs. 12,00,000
                       Plant and machinery      [1,00,00,000 - (10,00,000 x 3)] / 7   Rs. 10,00,000

                       Furniture and fixtures    [35,00,000 - (5,00,000 x 3)] / 5     Rs. 4,00,000
                       Total =                                                      Rs 16,00,000 (B)

        The impact on Statement of Profit and Loss for the year ending 31st March, 20X4 = [A-B]
        = Rs. 26,00,000 – Rs. 25,00,000 = Rs. 1,00,000

        This is a change in accounting estimate which is adjusted prospectively in the period in which the estimate is
        amended  and,  if  relevant,  to  future  periods  if  they  are  also  affected.  Accordingly,  from  20X4-20X5  onward,

        excess of Rs1,00,000 will be charged in the Statement of Profit and Loss every year till the time there is any

        further revision.

        Q2 (Nov. 18)

        On 1 October, 2017, A Ltd. completed the construction of a power generating facility. The total construction cost
        was Rs. 2,00,00,000. The facility was capable of being used from 1 October, 2017 but A Ltd. did not bring the
        facility into use until 1 January, 2018. The estimated useful life of the facility at 1 October, 2017 was 40 years.
        Under legal regulations in the jurisdiction in which A Ltd. operates, there are no requirements to restore the land
        on  which  power  generating facilities  stand  to  its  original  state  at  the  end  of the  useful  life of  the  facility.
        However,  A  Ltd.  has  a  reputation  for  conducting  its  business  in  an  environmentally  friendly  way  and  has

        previously chosen to restore similar land even in the absence of such legal requirements. The directors of A Ltd.

        estimated that the cost of restoring the land in 40 years‖ time (based on prices prevailing at that time) would
        be  Rs.  1,00,00,000.  A  relevant  annual  discount  rate  to  use  in  any  discounting  calculations  is  5%.  When  the

        annual discount rate is 5%, the present value of Rs. 1 receivable in 40 years‖ time is approximately 0.142.
        Analyze and present how the above events would be reported in the financial statements of A Ltd. for the year

        ended 31 March, 2018as per Ind AS.

        (All figures are Rs in ’000.)

        The power generating facility should be depreciated from the date it is ready for use, rather than when it would
        actually start being used. In this case, the facility should be depreciated from 1st October, 2017.

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